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Going through withdrawal, question about meds
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
HI all, a few days ago I relapsed, drank pretty hard for about 4 days after being sober for 98 days. I didn't have a drink yesterday and I am feeling like total crap. Whole body aches, shaking, can't sleep, etc. I had a few librium, which they gave me in treatment and I took those every few hours yesterday but now I'm out of those. I started back up on the disulfarim today because I want to stop drinking again for good. I took a trazodone last night to help me sleep (1 pill, 50mg) and then took 25mg this morning and after a few hours another 25mg. I'm trying to get through this couple of days. My question is is it OK to take a 25mg xanax? I have some of those. I have left a message with my doctor but no response yet. I'm just freaking out, anxiety through the roof. I probably should have skipped the Trazodone (I thought it would help me sleep through the hangover) and just taken the Xanax since I know they treat acute alcohol withdrawal with benzos. If I can take the Xanax, how long should I wait? Thanks for all the help, I could use some prayers!
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Going through withdrawal, question about meds
OMG...I take xanax as prescribed, but never with so much other stuff...it should calm you down....look up drug interactions on line
PLEASE be carefulI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
Be careful with the meds please, you can get into all sorts of complications. Make sure you have someone with you, or someone to check up on you - if you start fitting get to ER immediately. That said once you've got through the first 24-48 hours symptoms generally will have reached their peak and start to lessen, with the exception of insomnia which I found can last 10 days to 2 weeks - but trust me it gets easier.
Another thing to remember is the more times you go through this, the worse it gets. A process known as kindling.I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.
Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years
AF date 22/07/13
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
I agree with UK. You need to be very careful with the meds. I understand the need we have to alleviate the horrid symptoms but we need to heal our systems gradually. Drink plenty of water and if you can take cell salts or something with electrolytes in it. Even chicken broth is good.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
Thanks guys for the input
I've been to the ER so many times they hook me up to some fluids, give me a couple valium and head me out the door as fast as they can. I agree that 24-48 will pass and that I'll probably feel better tomorrow. Today is the second full day. Sucks. I can't believe I do this to myself. Lame.
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
If your doctor calls and is willing to write a script for you, clonazepam might be a better choice. It's "half-life" is quite a bit longer than xanax, and less inclined to induce its own withdrawal symptoms, as xanax is infamous for - as in, waking up in the morning in withrdrawal because you haven't taken xanax since the night before, or hitting "that time" of the day when the last xanax pill has worn off.
And even with no benzo, hang in there!!! You're exactly right! As you know, this intense suckiness will pass pretty quickly. Then there's the rest of the suckiness to deal. But at least you won't feel so awful. Drink electrolytes and eat chocolate. This is my universal remedy for just about everything :H. Please keep us posted. You CAN do this!"Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
Panic, did you actually mean 25 mg of Xanax or 2.5 mg? I'm not familiar with a lot of meds nor am I a medical expert but my I think 25 mg of Xanax along with the trazodone and disulfarim could be extremely dangerous. If you made it through day 2 please try to moderate on the meds. Please know you are in my thoughts. Hold onto the thought of those 98 days and how much better you felt to help you through this.
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
Hi Panicprincess, your in my thoughts lets us how you are when your ready. x :lFormerly known as Teardrop:l
sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !
Going through withdrawal, question about meds
The valium and other benzos are to keep the patient from having seizures more often than not. If you get addicted to benzos its not a big deal if you have the proper access to meds. Tapering benzos is hell, but it can be a cakewalk if you have access to phenobarbitol.
If you are going through withdrawal, a shot of whiskey will help avoid DT. Be very careful and limit your intake or you'll wind up at square one. Valium is the safest as it has a long half life.
Alcohol causes rebound anxiety because it depletes your gaba levels. Taking benzos will alleviate the anxiety by agonizing (think of it as squeezing the receptor for its juices like an orange) gaba-A. Again, this will cause rebound anxiety as well.
Take some vitamin b12 if you've binged, you probably have a deficiency. B6 is second in line, you need both and plenty of water.
Baclofen is your best bet. I would avoid sodium and go for sugar. Alcohol dehydrates you. As another poster said Klonopine is another good bet, but do not take benzos for longer than a week if you have to, or in your case with gabaergic abuse history you'll be much worse off. Klonopine will also prevent seizures.I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
Life affords no higher pleasure, than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labours in any great or laudable undertaking, has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by joy