Thanks everyone! I'm going to bed AF and even though I have some anxiety, I'm warm, sober and will fight to keep a roof over me and my fur kids heads.... I've come too far!! You guys have been awesome! Thanks so much!!!
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Live_Love_Learn;1524109 wrote: Thanks everyone! I'm going to bed AF and even though I have some anxiety, I'm warm, sober and will fight to keep a roof over me and my fur kids heads.... I've come too far!! You guys have been awesome! Thanks so much!!!There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
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Live_Love_Learn;1524109 wrote: Thanks everyone! I'm going to bed AF and even though I have some anxiety, I'm warm, sober and will fight to keep a roof over me and my fur kids heads.... I've come too far!! You guys have been awesome! Thanks so much!!!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
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starting a new job
Sometimes there really are genuine misunderstandings in a new job, people seeing things from really different points of view. And sometimes managers are wrong, sometimes really wrong. So are you saying that what they expect is not doable? Is there a way of focusing just on certain specific things that they want and ditching everything else? If it really can't be done by one person can you hire some temporary help?
There really may be a resolution to this. Sometimes these things can be worked out if you stay cool and don't take things personally. And obviously don't respond with drinking because you need a clear head in your job.
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Well I am at work, holding my head high but of course taking everything personally!! He just tells me he doesn't like anything I'm sending him through which confuses me when he says he changes his mind all the time and doesn't know anythign about HR?!?!
Time to hit SEEK and concede that judging from his emails to me, he has already made up his miind even though I thought today OI would be positive, sent him a weekly report this morning, established weeekly meetings with him saying I would love any feedback on how I can achieve the results he wants......... maybe I'm once again in one of those relationships where you show weakness and they stand over you more?!?!?!
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Live_Love_Learn;1524528 wrote: sent him a weekly report this morning, established weeekly meetings with him saying I would love any feedback on how I can achieve the results he wants........
You can't get much more reasonable than that. It sounds like you are on top of your job as best you can be, and are doing what anyone else would do in such a position. Sounds like he could do with some 'communication with staff 101' training!
He may hold the cards as far as you working there goes, but no-one else can control how you feel or how you wish to think.
You have your precious sobriety, and no fool or no thing can take that away from you.
I bet there are lots of other organisations that would value your obvious skills, such as patience, working under pressure, able to think on your feet, being creative, solutions focused, resourceful........
If you're working tomorrow crack a POETS! (Piss of early tomorrows Saturday)
Take it easy and look after yourself.
G bloke.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
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Thanks G!!!!!!!!! I am doing POETS today! 6 or 8 weeks since I've seen my boyfirend (I've lost count!) so I'm focusing on positive happy thoughts today and determined to have a nice AF weekend!
I'm just going to fight, I'm a fighter and wont be knocked, I have a few moments of sookiness but then I bounce back so now I'm developing a plan, detailing everything I've done and will be doing in the way of HR for them and if that doesn't work, I will find somewhere else where I can add value!!
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Good for you for choosing not to drink. Jobs don't make people drink, they decide to drink. And you chose not to. Here to ODAAT. You can do it!I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
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I am just reading this thread, and I'm so proud of you for facing all this sober! I work for a large corporation and it's full of arseholes and bullies. You just have to find a way to work around them while working with them. I worked for one during the mid 90's who looked, acted, and yelled just like Judge Judy! It was awful. Don't let the bastards get you down. The way to really get back at them is to do the right thing. My boss finally got fired!! (by HR!!!!) There IS justice out there! Work it sober, girl! You got this!!! Hugs, Byrdie
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LLL, just wanted to lend you support here. I once worked in HR for a corporation and it was the perfect job to make you feel inadequate and lose your confidence. Because it's not a $$ generating department - as we were always reminded, especially by Sales, everyone is overworked and like the cobbler's shoes theory, HR's own policy writing gets pushed under the rug.
It's very difficult to ask for additional staff and when we had an enormous push for hiring in other depts. HR had to stay the same. I survived only b/c we were allowed to hire interns who wanted the credit on their college applications.
I am so glad you stayed sober b/c it's truly unfair to yourself to have this stress affect you. I used to walk and beat a stick on the ground when I worked there FFS! Please find a way to manage your stress, it will be worth it.Enlightened by MWO
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Hi LLL :h
Really inspired by your journey and your fight here. Wow ! That's so much BS on the job but I had a thought...since your in HR can't you just FIRE the arseholes who are making life miserable...or at least make recommendations...I'm actually serious ,
I just watched The Howard Stern movie Private Parts and how that man dealt with total manipulative you know what's was brilliant...have a watch LLL - I know it will put a smile back on your face.
Here for you! :lOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
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OMG I'm going to try to watch that movie tonight!!
Thanks everyone for your kindness!! I've turned a corner from your help!! Its funny how it was so easy just to get drunk before but I feel like a fighter, I'm done with all the hangover stuff!!
I've prganised my desk, am being more methodical and making sure I do everything to the letter, which includes telling my boss I wont do something without the correct sign off, moight make him hate me more but I'm bloody good at HR and wont be made to feel like shit!!
Oh well- to top that off I had my BF visit and that involved him laying around getting waited on hand and foot while spending time on Facebook and playing stupud games on his phone, needless to say I'm not impressed but hey, guess life would be boring if I had the perfect job, the perfect relationship, was the perfect weight and was loved by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back into it I suppose, I've got a report to write!
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You go Ms LLL!! Total Victory!
:lOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
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Live_Love_Learn;1524099 wrote: FYI OB I am sober and I thought this was a place to talk but your a champ at making me feel shittier, cheers for that. Guess I can get through shit AF since I. Can read that without falling apart, I came here for support.
Maybe a little tough love WAS my support.
You wrote: considering they don't know the mess I'm looking at thats just great SO FUCK IT I AM DRINKING AND GOING TO FUCKING CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!!!!!!Me wrote: Just do the best you can, one day at a time, when you think bad thoughts, categorize them as irrational negative thoughts and tell yourself, this has nothing to do with whats going on right now. Alcoholism and drug addiction follows a simple protocol. Lets look for a reason to get fuqd up. Don't give in. B/C they're hurting you emotionally and you're hurting yourself physically.
DriftyAlison0;1524955 wrote: Good for you for choosing not to drink. Jobs don't make people drink, they decide to drink. And you chose not to. Here to ODAAT. You can do it!I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
Life affords no higher pleasure, than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes, and seeing them gratified. He that labours in any great or laudable undertaking, has his fatigues first supported by hope, and afterwards rewarded by joy