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Panic Attack and seizure!

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    Panic Attack and seizure!

    Yesterday was day 4. I was watching TV, and started to get weird feelings of doom. It started to get stronger and stronger and I freaked out and then I had a full blown seizure. When should the biggest hurdles of WD be gone?

    I'm so scared...

    Panic Attack and seizure!

    Is anyone with you JR?

    Trip to ER sounds like the right thing. Don't worry about what they think, it's not important in the scheme of things.


      Panic Attack and seizure!

      yes...get to an ER asap
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Panic Attack and seizure!

        Yes, someone was with me. He called 911. But by that time I was fine and didnt go to the hospital.


          Panic Attack and seizure!

          I'm very surprised it took that long, usually withdrawls are worst in the first 48 hours.

          Are you eating properly and drinking plenty of water?
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            Panic Attack and seizure!

            How are you doing now?
            I still think you should go to the ER.
            My mom would always have seizures on day 4 or 5, I don't know why hers took that long to show up, but she ALWAYS required hospitalization to manage the seizures and withdrawal. I hope you are doing ok.
            Day 1 again 11/5/19
            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

            One day at a time.


              Panic Attack and seizure!

              Nursie;1635726 wrote: How are you doing now?
              I still think you should go to the ER.
              My mom would always have seizures on day 4 or 5, I don't know why hers took that long to show up, but she ALWAYS required hospitalization to manage the seizures and withdrawal. I hope you are doing ok.
              Thanks for this, I've learned something today.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Panic Attack and seizure!

                Nursie;1635726 wrote: How are you doing now?
                I still think you should go to the ER.
                My mom would always have seizures on day 4 or 5, I don't know why hers took that long to show up, but she ALWAYS required hospitalization to manage the seizures and withdrawal. I hope you are doing ok.
                Did she get one seizure or many in those days? I feel fine now. Yesterday, I felt weird at night but then when I was watching TV about to sleep, I got a panic attack and that's when it happened.


                  Panic Attack and seizure!

                  Jr - glad to hear you are ok. I didn't go through serious physical withdrawal (surprisingly), but I watched my brother go through it and it was scary. So glad you are safe. I do however know a lot about anxiety. So if you need to talk, we're here.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    Panic Attack and seizure!

                    What happened to your brother during his withdrawals? I know it was scary for my partner, I know I would be if the roles were switched.

                    How much did he drink?

                    The anxiety is so overwhelming. But the panic attack was the worst, all bad thoughts imaginable raced through my head.


                      Panic Attack and seizure!

                      Jr - sorry for the delay in getting back to you. My brother would not have been able to type during his withdrawals. It was a very sad, and scary experience. The first time, I called 911 and he spent several weeks in the hospital in a coma. We doubted he would make. But he did. The second time, he went through the emergency room - it was acute pancreatitis and DTs. Again, he almost died. He was in the hospital for almost six weeks. But my brother (who is still alive, thank God) was the worst alky you can imagine. Gallons of whiskey a day. Sad thing is, he hasn't had a drink in almost 7 years, but the damage is done. He is dying. Slowly, and painfully. If I wasn't an alcoholic myself, I would think this sounds like a commercial for sobriety. But trust me - watching my brother and grieving what has been lost has been a catalyst for me getting straight.

                      The anxiety is another story. I understand the bad thoughts. All I can say, is they will get better as your body detoxes. If not, it may be time to seek medical help. I did. But you really have to decide that AL is out of the equation for good. Anti-anxiety meds and booze don't mix. Good luck to you. I totally understand. Keep posting, and let us know how you are doing.
                      Everything is going to be amazing


                        Panic Attack and seizure!

                        I hate panic attacks. So unsettling. Are you feeling better?
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Panic Attack and seizure!

                          I'm feeling better but that seizure left me in panic mode. For some reason I feel like its worst at night for me. I don't know why...

                          I'm scared to even shower. My shower is like a glass box and I'm scared of another seizure and I'll fall. I just can't stop these horrible thoughts...


                            Panic Attack and seizure!

                            Jrons. I suffer from both Epilepsy and Panic attacks. I always have plenty of warning before my seizures and thus have no restriction of my driver's license. The Panic attacks, not so much. I especially hate them at work because I do not want my coworkers to know when I am having them. I started my seizues at age 23 etilogy unknown. Over the years (I'm in my 50s) I've had to change medication. My last seizure was in February and I've since doubled my epilepsy dose and haven't had another seizure since. I am also on a medication that has effectively controlled my panic attacks. They come up about once every 3 or 4 months. I have never had them during my epilepsy. I'm not saying your seizures and epilepsy but it would be good to go to your doctor and see just for your peace of mind. As I said, my epilepsy really doesn't effect my life that much. I even have gone sky diving several times with no problem, am a rider on a motorcycle, and really always know in plenty of time when I have them so though would rather not have them, of course, people live with much worse things in their life. Knowledge is power so I advise you to find out all you can about what your particular condition(s) are.


                              Panic Attack and seizure!

                              JR - sorry for my last post. I was having a bad night, and got into areas that were best kept private. I'm not sure I made if very clear that my brother is an END-STAGE alcoholic. He never asked for help - still won't even admit he has a problem. So, please disregard my post. He is my only sibling, so at times, I get overwrought about the situation. Anway, it was out of line and probably scary. Your panic attacks, even one seizure (which is not good and you may want to check with a doctor) will never lead to this scenario.

                              Again, please know that my brother's story is unique and rare and I apologize for speaking out of turn. Take care of yourself.
                              Everything is going to be amazing

