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    I think I am being tested! Today is my second day since making a commitment to myself to get my drinking under control and wouldn't you know that my work day was horrible complete with a medical emergency which usually never happens in primary care! I don't have cravings as bad as I normally would but made sure to take Kudzu at least 2 times during the day. I also started on Chantix 6 days ago and that is helping a lot. It is actually curbing my craving for diet pepsi, which is a nice perk!

    I am afraid to leave work and go home because I drive by two grocery stores and two convenience stores to get home! Not to mention, living in small town Wisconsin there are at least 2 bars on nearly every city block and I pass 5 of them on the 4 mile drive home! I have slept in the clinic before and I almost feel like I could curl up and stay here all night just to avoid temptation! I can't believe that I am having this much trouble with day 2! I regularly go 2 (but never more than 3) days without a drink.

    I am reminding myself that I won't have just one; I will have several, possibly get in an argument with my dear boyfriend, sleep like crap, wake up with a raging hangover, feel like the biggest piece of crap for my "weakness", drag myself to work and not be able to concentrate or focus until about 6 pm...


    its been months since i was able to go AF for even 1 day. With the support of the wonderful people here, i am getting ready to go to bed AF for the 1st time in a very very long time. I know the feeling of being tested by AL. anything that can go wrong usually does and sends me right to the bottle. I felt alot of frustration earlier today and almost let myself stop on the way home from foot ball prac. but I didnt and feel wonderful about beating the beast tonight, i was drinking 2 bottle of wine a night, or the equivalent. Always found an excuse to drink. BGE turned the power off the other day, the kids are fighting, my sitter didnt show up yadda yadda. I removed the drink tonight and the same things are still present and new issues or tests may present themselves..drinking doesnt make the the kids stop fighting, it doesnt make my power stay on, or my sitter show up.. all AL does is cover up the way i feel about those things numbing me... I am discovering this as i am typing.. im brand new to all of this too. Hang in there tonight and you will be glad in the morning that you did..! AL will do everything it can to try and convince you that its ok. you can do it! and move on to day 3 tomorrow!



      Hi Boodle and :welcome:

      When I first stopped I got fired two days later from my dream job! I remember going completely numb for several days and then the wacky world of my journey to completely stop started.

      You are on your way my friend:l stay close and fly over to the newbie nest. Links in my signature.
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



        Welcome Boodle. I am 8 months sober and i will never drink again as i never want to go through the first week. Honestly it is horrible, there is no sugar coating giving up al but it gets easier. When i did 7 days which included a weekend i knew i could carry on. It was just telling the al brain to F off and distracting yourself and keeping busy, eating and watching alcoholic doco's that got me totally thinking.

        We have drowned ourselves in al for years and years and it takes time for the body and mind to heal, not days or weeks but months and months.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom



          Thank you for the kind words. I made it through Thursday night, but Friday and Saturday didn't fare as well. I knew that it was going to be a tough weekend with a major festival in town and a class reunion last night. I admit I did drink both nights, but am proud of the fact that I wasn't craving the alcohol and actually handled it well. I don't know if it is the Chantix and Kudzu or L-glut or other supplements but I haven't had any real cravings since Thursday night.

