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Life Decisions, What Do I Do?

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    Life Decisions, What Do I Do?

    ?She smiled darkly and shook her head. 'I'm not crazy. I'm not. Of course what else would a crazy person claim? That's the Kafkaesque genius of it all. If you're not crazy but people have told the world you are, then all your protests to the contrary just underscore their point. Do you see what I'm saying??
    ― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island

    I am not an Alcoholic. I do not even know if this is the correct forum or stage to ask for help, but nevertheless I need advice and here is a place to start. I have suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for a over a year now, and while it is not yet completely debilitating I do experience pain frequently. Dr.s have recommended drug after drug each having its own set of symptom relief side effect tradeoff, while none can help address the root issue with my health. Upon reading the results of more extensive testing I have found that I have bacterial overgrowth in my small intestine, a putrefaction commonly known as Fermentation / Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth (SBBO), this has what has been causing my joint inflammation. In addition to joints I discovered it is causing inflammation of every tissue in my body including my heart. My Dr. insists I stop drinking forever in combination with a brief fast and strict diet to kill of bacteria that is fermenting the food that I am eating in my gut. Drinking fermented beverages, alcoholic beverages, only contributes to this problem.

    I have been drinking since I was 15 years old and now at age 20 in the crux of my college experience, I drink and party at an admittedly SOMEWHAT excessive level; however, not a completely over the top or above average amount relative to the point I currently am in my life. I do not need alcohol to have a good time. I do not want or need to drink for the rest of my life. But I do not know if, when, or how I could follow this new regime for health while in school. Every cocktail party, monday night football game, saturday tailgate, friday night out with my friends, how can I do it? Can I do it? Should I wait a few more years and give up when I am older, maybe two or three years, and have already lived my party days and feel that I did not miss out on that time of my life? My Dr. said within 5-6 months I could potentially be returned to good health but even then not be able to drink. Do I wait until spring and use that time to see how I feel in 6 months? I understand how important my health is, and hate being in pain more than anything. I still feel that people are being condescending by telling me how unimportant drinking is in the long term. It's easy for grown, married adults to tell me what I should and shouldn't do when they've already had their years of being care free. Everyone knows what its like to be the one at the party sober, even drinkers have experienced that feeling before on a night where they aren't feeling up to drinking but still want to go to the party. I don't know that I can be that sober person or that I would be able to keep my sanity at parties where everyones enjoying themselves and I can't even have the few beers that I enjoy drinking for reasons out of my control, and outside of a necessity due to my abuse of alcohol. Please, what do I do for these next few years before I leave my college days behind and have an easier time living a life without the parties and alcohol.

    The reason for the quote I lead with is because I am not looking for help with my "alcoholism" or my "denial". The mere statement "I am not and Alcoholic" begs people to think, "what else would an alcoholic say he must be one". But, with that in mind please any advice, thoughts, prayers, or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

    Life Decisions, What Do I Do?

    Visit the Newbies Nest.. Many of us are unable to stop on our own, you are young but the Dr has said to stop drinking so you need to do everything you can to stop before your health deteriorates so much that there is nothing you can do.. My mother has RA, however she is 80 years old, i am very surprised at such a young age you would have RA... Eat well and stop drinking while you can! Visit the Newbies Nest and use the tools that people provide Hugs!


      Life Decisions, What Do I Do?

      You have my prayers. Drinking was very important to me when I was young. It cost me dearly, in terms of relationships, career, and long-term health. Choose wisely, the rest of your life depends on it. I pray that you gain that wisdom.


        Life Decisions, What Do I Do?

        Welcome, Anonymous... first, a little about me: I'm a mom of 4 kids. I was #6 in my parent's line up of 7 kids, so as one of the younger children, I had the "privilege" or "punishment" to have 2 sisters and 3 brothers test the waters with my parents... by the time I came around, my parents were kid savvy.

        They let me learn from my mistakes. I didn't make as many as my brothers and sisters, because they were there to give me advice.

        Do you have any brothers or sisters that you are close to? Or perhaps cousins?

        You see, Anonymous, I'm a stranger to you. I have a cute picture of a dog I befriended in Thailand as my profile picture.... a catchy name..... but at the end of the day, it's not me that has to stand by your side and see you in pain. It's not me that has to watch you struggle with this horrible condition that only you can truly describe. However, your parents, your siblings, your best friend.... they have to watch you.

        I challenge you to ask them the same question: is the short term effect of alcohol worth the long term effects on my health?

        When I read your post, I was deeply impressed by your writing style... you have a gift with writing. You are wise. You know how to articulate your thoughts and passions and fears. For me to say that your fears are misplaced isn't doing you any favors. They are yours, either to embrace or to change. You must decide.

        I would gently encourage you to reflect upon your life in 10 years... when at 30, you'll have finished your degree, perhaps found a partner in life, perhaps a long term commitment or marriage, perhaps a baby or a cute dog that you've rescued? As you think about these things... well, how is your health? Do you envision your health as being a non-issue? Or do you see yourself in debilitating pain, with a beautiful row of multi-colored pills lined up on your kitchen counter, ready to arm you for the day's adventures?

        And, at age 30, wherever you are in life, will you look back and say, "I made the right choice", or will you say, "I wish I would have stopped drinking".

        The world will not end if you drink, Anonymous... well, it won't end for me anyway. Personally, if I'm at the same party as you, I don't give a rat's a$$ whether the person next to me is drinking cherry coke or cherry bombs. Through your spectacles at this point in your life, you see alcohol has the fun ingredient at the party. Think back to some of the parties you've been to, where someone got sloppy drunk... the theatrical... drama scene... and then someone probably "saved the day", or stepped up and took care of the crying girl with raccoon eyes and a red nose.... as someone puked in the corner, someone else is holding that girl's hair back... someone quietly stole the keys out of the cute guy's pocket so that he couldn't drive home.... These are also scenes from the "fun" party. The "heroes" I describe were the sober people.

        Can there be fun at a party with alcohol there? You bet.
        Can there be a fun party that's alcohol free? Without a doubt.

        I wish you well, Anonymous. If you were my daughter, I would implore that you stop drinking, at least for 6 months, to see how your health will (or will not) improve. It doesn't mean that the rest of your life must be alcohol free, but right now, I think you should give your body every chance it can to become healthier.

        Peace and hugs. :l Patty
        "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
        so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."

