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    Yo Bri.

    How are ya? G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Hey guys. I am ok. Not great. So finally changed something. I am currently going through the process of getting into a 2 week program. I hope I get accepted. Counselor says it shouldn't be a problem. But I must go through an intake and interview process and am currently filling out all necessary paperwork.
      Wish me luck.
      Things are very up and down. Some days good. Some days not great. So I think this will be beneficial. And help me get back on track. I am putting a support system in place as well. Will keep you posted and hope to hear by Wednesday. Hope you all are doing well.


        I hope you get into the program and am thinking of you Bri. I am doing well. Just eating too much chocolate and probably working too hard for my own good.


          Hey TT. Thank you. Have been doing alright. I have to be sober before the program which is motivation enough. Since I want to get in and it'll kickstart my long term sobriety again instead of jumping back and forth. I think it's important to have the support and am looking forward to getting that from this. Will quite possibly know more from my appointment today so fingers crossed. Regardless, things are going well enough. I just need more to grow and maintain sobriety.


            Let us know how your appointment went Bri. Even if its not possible for you to join the programme you can still do this as you are motivated, self aware and determined - and you have done it before so you know what to expect - well sort of.


              Hi Bri,
              Just wanted to pop in and say that I think of you often. Sorry you are struggling. I hope you get into the program. Please stay strong dear friend.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Thank you TT and K9.
                The support from here really does help.
                My appointment was moved to today. So will see the counselor and work on "secondary" paperwork and ask her what her thoughts are on me getting in. She did say she didn't see a problem but you never know right?
                I also agree with you TT. Even though I can't get in - I NEED to go back to the way things used to be. And way better at that!!
                I will keep you all posted.


                  Appointment went well. More paperwork went through but because of the holidays we gotta wait and see. fingers crossed


                    That's great Bri. Will you be ok for the holidays? Have you got a plan?


                      Hi are you?
                      Sending you strength......
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Hey guys - thanks so much for taking the time to come on here and check on me.
                        The last week with work being done and family coming for the holidays it's been hectic...
                        I need to put a plan into place for there is a lot of alcohol around with everyone drinking.
                        I know my Mom know's what is going on. So she will keep an eye on me, which will make it easier for me to get through sober days. My paperwork is done for the program - it's going through though after the holidays. So still don't have answers. But am looking into going to some workshops right after Christmas is done and go to some meetings.
                        Any other suggestions to get through the holidays? Lately I am just stuffing my face - because I hate drinking while having a full stomach. Not the smartest way to go about it, lol. But at least it works.
                        Thanks guys.


                          Great to hear that you will be in the programme. Try to take some time out from the others if you can at Christmas - get some quiet time - listen to music, read a book, watch a DVD, go for a walk (depends on the weather I know). Help your Mum. Remind yourself its just a few days.
                          Fill yourself up with water or tea/coffee. Sounds like your Mum is on your side (I would be if it was my daughter) - so talk to her or just have a natter. Do silly inconsequential things. Its that time of year.
                          Avoid the deep and meaningful conversations with drunk people - thats my No 1 advice.
                          You can do this and it won't be as stressful as you think. Oh and try to post on MWO if you can. I won't be around much as we are on places that are not internet or Wifi friendly. XXXX


                            Bri- Hope you made through the holidays OK...let us know how you are doing...Happy New Year
                            “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                              Hey guys - first day back to reality. I made it through the holidays. Although at times they were a bit of a struggle.
                              I never realized just how difficult they could actually be. There are temptations everywhere! Especially when you're having people over to stay and such. Needless to say. There is alcohol in the house leftover from when friends were here so I plan on dumping that so that the temptation isn't too great.
                              I also began reading old journal entries and posts to help me strengthen my resolve.
                              I hope everyone else is doing well.
                              Still have not heard back from my counselor. So I may give her a ring to see what is going on with the scheduling of the outpatient program. That's something that I know will really help me stay strong with my quit.
                              Hope everyone else is doing well. And happy new year to you all.


                                Happy new year Bri and it's fab that you managed to steer your way through the holidays with all the AL around. Dump the remaining stuff. No need to have it there. Think of it as cleaning up and not as a hardship. Don't dwell on it either.
                                I ate too much chocolate and Icecream over the break so some sacrifices are needed if I want to be able to fit my clothes. I'm not skinny or fat but at my age it's too easy to collect kilos on the body. At least I don't have to worry an out booze kilos anymore. Before I quit I was quite bloated.
                                Hope you hear from the counsellor soon and get on track to a healthy and satisfying new year for you.

