I've had problems with alcohol since 2000-2005 -due to life issues. last 6-7 years i've detox via GP , in hospital and tapering. Last time i had a "binge" was a year ago , I had a few wines at xmas but always managed just to wake up the following day and just get on with it. Saturday i had decided to drink all the alcohol in the house 4 wines i had to go on a fitness spree so i wasn;t tempted in Spring time. I got a nasty email - over the weekend so added to that with a vodka 1 tr from shop. Didn't think it mattered as I've withdrawn from far less binges. To cut a long story short now I'm "withdrawing" as I am "drunk". First time in my life I've ever had this. To give you an example when I lay down I'm halluncining which prevous withdrawals has taught me as "I,m need to have a few more sips". But I'm not acting myself and the postman noticed this morining I was falling all over the place.
For family reasons I can't do a hospital /GP detox this time. I think it's to do with low something is that sodium,potassium , magnesium , calcium, sugar.
Botttom line is I'm withdrawing when I'm still drunk anyone had this before?