I had several years sober - no interest in drinking (that I knew of), didn't resent others drinking, didn't drink on feelings, and was happy as pie.
Then "things" have come up and I have relapsed several times every 3-8 months, for a week or a so each time.
I call these "things" "blindspots" because I don't know what causes them. I think I worked one out after it happened twice - illness - so I can take extra care to look out for that one again.
But with the rest: they just seem random, like I'm not happy or sad or uspet, but like I just drink out of nowhere. I know that can't possibly happen because I go and buy the bottle. But I wish I know why I did, and why now.
I need to work this out, because I will drink a litre of gin/vodka (or more) a day and it's going to kill me, not to mention the horrible guilt of it.
Please, does anyone experience this and what do they do about it?
I'm thinking of practising Mindfulness again, so I can catch any feelings or drinking thoughts I'm unaware of.
Any help gratefully received.