We get the pm storm threat just seems to make it more humid. If I sleep during the day I'd never be able to do so at night! I'm Italian by heritage so I usually don't get burned but even I did today! On my thighs of all things! The rain looks crazy in Buffalo and in IL. I will say that this heat may put me down tonight! Tried to get a few things done re our trip like get a new suitcase for my son and stop papers etc. next need to call credit card companies or they will put a hold on my cards. Child is playing baseball in the morning so I will need him to start drinking water. He's a preteen and unfortunately if he gets tired he has trouble controlling his emotions to a sometime extreme amount ( I worry about this as my father is just crazy-- tantrums, unable to do much for himself and very entitled and when I see the over emotionalism I get afraid he will turn into that). He talked back to me today and I had to remind him several
Times to do basic chores so he had TV and video privileges taken away for the next couple days. So I will need to plan things for him that are cool after ball! Going to see a concert tomorrow night so hopefully I will continue to feel better. Had to speak again with my dads caretaker that is a thief-- she is a bullshitter of the highest order but not that smart -- my dad was missing cash ( hard to prove whereabouts-- I monitor all the rest of his stuff but cash is hard to track) he never should have had 8000 cash in the home and all of a sudden she comes up with 2 new cars? I want the cops to question her re
Where she got the money but he'd had to be able to let her go without falling apart and I'm not sure if he's equipped plus I'd have get a new person in one week while I live 210 miles away and am trying to care for a family. Stressful. But I won't succumb!