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need support tonight
need support tonight
Hi, I used to visit regularly years ago, and after a lot of bad things happening , i feel i'm spiralling out of control. Today I decided I need to seriously take control of my drinking, it's that time of night when I would normally give in and already the excuses are forming in my head, maybe I'll start tomorrow but I really want to start tonightTwitch -
Re: need support tonight
I remember you Tawny!! Welcome back to MWO!!
If you really want to start tonight, then do it! What would be the point of putting it off until tomorrow? It all starts with a day one! All you have to do is not drink today. Make that promise to yourself and keep it. I will not drink today. It's really that simple. One day at a time. Lots of support here and if you want to - pop over to the Army thread. If I remember well, you're in the UK. Most of the posters on that thread are from the UK so they are in your time zone. I think that is your son in your avatar, right? He must be all grown up by now. Really good to see your name again. I hope you will stick around and let others help/guide you through this. We all started where you are. Take care of yourself, hope to see you posting again. Best of luck,
StirlyFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Re: need support tonight
Hi Tawny - I don't remember you but my goodness you're in the right place... like Stirly says if you post in one of the busy threads you'll have protection and advice and help most of the time... the Army is mainly Irish posters actually - but Jackie is from the UK -- and she's the best of the lot!!! We'd love to see you - and we all started the same as you -- first minute - hour - day - week -- that's the job -- nothing else counts and every day is a victory and you should look at it that way - after a while it'll be 'normal' - but at the beginning - enjoy the adrenaline rush knowing that for ONCE - you are in charge!!! WELCOMEContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: need support tonight
Hi Tawny - as you see I fly the Irish flag.....
Call over to the Army - & settle down. No-one is going to make you stop today.
There is no right way to do this.
I'm feeling very 'flowery' tonight :haha: So I'll compare it to us all going to the beach:
I took my time built myself up to it - kinda tipping my toes in the water and gradually getting in fully & swam.
Others just dive in - feel the immediate pain but it doesn't last forever & they also swim..
So post , read, post then read again. Absorb it all. You too can swim ...Last edited by satz123; July 23, 2020, 04:31 PM.
Re: need support tonight
Thanks, I remember you too, hope your'e doing ok. Yes that is my son, he has changed a bit, 20 now and at uni studying politics, philosophy and economics and has bright pink hair, him leaving for uni 2 years ago was the cause of me spiralling down along with deaths of parents and a still born granddaughter, husbands heart attack and then him being diagnosed with prostate cancer so you can see why I'm self medicating
I was always very close to my youngest and I was a mess for a long time, he's been home so long on lockdown that when he goes back in September I know it will feel like the first time again and I cannot risk getting any worse than I am now.
Re: need support tonight
Originally posted by tawnywitch View PostHi Mollyka, I do remember you, I'm finding this new format a bit confusing but feel I'm back with friends x
Sorry to hear about the health problems and deaths with your family. Not easy to deal with at any time but especially when they keep happening with seemingly no let up. And I can understand about your son. But maybe this is just the right time to get back on track and prepare yourself for him going back to uni in September. You are a lot stronger than you think, just put taking care of yourself first for a bit. By quitting AL, you will be helping yourself on many levels. Again, good to see you back - that was the first step and it was a big one!!For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay: