This said, I know that right now what I'm writing others will be able to relate to. In fact I've read it already in some posts made by others. I'm hoping others can give me some guidance towards the next steps.
This forum is full of so many insiteful people I already feel a great gratitude towards you that I know a simple :thanks: does not express enough.
I've just now gone AF again. I did it successfully for ~2 months cold turkey but then thinking I'd conquered "the problem", started drinking in moderation and 6 months later found myself almost full circle back to where I started. I say almost full circle because going AF this time I'm better armed than I was last time.
Last time AF:
I went AF because I came to realize that alcohol was killing me. Very slowly, not over night, but stealing days off of the end of my life. As thanks, it gave me that temporary numbness and escape that felt so damn good.
This time AF:
This time, I realize alcohol is killing me. Very slowly, not over night, but stealing days off the end of my life. In return it's giving me that temporary numbness and escape that feels so damn good.
Yes I just wrote the same thing twice... What's different this time is I'm approaching things much more humbly with the understanding that I'm an alcoholic because I want to escape. I also realize that I may well be an alcoholic for the rest of my life and come to grips that maybe I'll never drink again (NOT EASY!!!). I hate admitting something is out of my control or that I have a problem.
Something, somewhere along the lines, became part of my life where finding that numbness felt great. Enough that I'd function through the day then escape into the night, rinse, and repeat. What am I escaping from... I don't yet know. Can I figure it out? I don't know...
I sit here now not entirely knowing what will come next and that's both really scary and a tiny bit exhilarating. In the evenings it's hard to imagine life without any form of narcotic escape.
I find myself now full of uninebriated time on my hands and I don't know what to do with it. In the evening my mind often "chatters" and keep me from sleeping.
I've got too much time on my hands.
- I've bought some new books..
- I'm trying to get healthy through exercise & yoga.
- I'm trying to exhaust myself during the day so I can fall asleep at night.I'm watching movies..I'm creating new challenges: (Golf pro certification w/in 2 years, Retirement w/in 5-10 years).
More than anything else, I want to learn to know myself! I don't know who I am or even how to start. I don't know who I am or even who I want to be... The best formula I have is a rudimentary one:
Sigh's Success = healthy body + good love/sex + wealth + healthy mind.
The last one is the sticker as the others are tangible. I can set goals and work towards them. The latter is a mystery to me.