Welcome to the club!
In the course of human events, we have occasion to acknowledge those individuals who by perserverance, courage, and determination merit special recognition.
By these notations, we honorably recognize our own stollies1, as having achieved the arduous task of completing one year Alcohol-Free, and therefore by these presents, in gracious admiration, due hereby award stollies1 the title of:
Please step to the podium to accept your medal, certificate, and honorarium. You may add the customary chevrons to your robes, so that all may know of your great achievement.
Victoria: Some have wondered what the term Solar Orbiter means. Simply, it means you can look up at the sun, and realize you have gone around it one complete turn without the drink. That takes a whole year. It is a cosmic event. While space explorers are know for their courage, stamina, and fortitude, it seems fitting that we should take these same attributes as a representation of what it takes to make the same journey. That is why.
