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is the damage done?

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    is the damage done?

    woooh trixietrack, you have just scared me since now am young yes and have done lots of external damage i dont know about the internal since i have not been to the doctor, and actually i dont even what to go am scared of realising things that i cannot change like half my liver is out, part of my brain gone no no i cant take that


      is the damage done?

      maasai, try not to think like that. Your body cells respond to what your brain tells them. Tell then they are well and healthy. I envision my liver and heart as being nice and pink and healthy. Please try to stay away from fearful thoughts. The body has powerful ability to heal. Your brain (thoughts) tell it to. I know this may soud sort "out there" but it is what I believe. Otherwise I'd surely be dead by now. Think happy healthy thoughts.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        is the damage done?

        oh. I just realized I started this thread. I am surely a work in progress. But I have a pink healthy liver. And fart a bit.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          is the damage done?

          I too wonder about the damage done from the booze but can only go forward not backwards,

          Lots of water, fruit, sald and exercise have to help too.I think weight drops off as well as those empty calories get left behind.

          Its not a good look to have a red nose, broken veins, dried lips from dehydration, bad breath, acid reflux, smelly wind, lack lustre skin and a "Wish I hadnt done it look!!!!!"

          I am convinced that moderating or abstaining whichever is your journey and a healthier life style leads to better sleep and healing of SOME of the damage done.

          No beating my self up and no looking back doing "if onlys" helps too...

          Good Luck to those trying to get back in shape .. sounds like you have made great progress and the support on here helps so much



            is the damage done?

            Its not a good look to have a red nose, broken veins, dried lips from dehydration, bad breath, acid reflux, smelly wind, lack lustre skin and a "Wish I hadnt done it look!!!!!"

            Enough is enough


              is the damage done?

              What a great thread.

              I know I go to bed worried every night about my liver, totally paranoid. I'm going to think good thoughts from now on.
              And my face is now quite red, I was putting it down to being outdoors, too much sun, hot kitchen, blah blah I know it's the drink. I'm 47 now and want to reverse the damage.


                is the damage done?

                Very good read i saved it to my favorites (colum 05). :thanks:



                  is the damage done?

                  Remember that the liver is the most regenerative organ in the human body. That means that it heals itself more than any other organ. After you stop drinking, the liver will start to heal much of the damage. I was a long term heavy drinker for over twenty years. I stopped drinking a few years ago. I recently had a full detailed liver panel done with my doctor and everything was fine. That wasn't true a few years ago when my doctor had concerns about some of the enzymes.

                  Stop worrying about your liver. It will take care of itself. Just worry about yourself. That means stop drinking. When you do, your liver and the rest of you will heal with time.

                  Just my two cents.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

