Thank you to EVERYONE.... your congratulations are so appreciated :thanks:
I've made it a habit since I quit smoking 3 1/2 years ago to celebrate my half year gives me a great opportunity to look back on my previous 6 months & see the changes, challenges & accomplishments that have occurred.... and also the opportunity to "fine-tune" my progress for the next upcoming 6 months.
This past summer I realized that I was not only ready, but needed to get involved out in my community. I basically isolated myself from socializing outside my usual circle since I quit drinking. It took time, but I finally felt comfortable in my sober skin... and to be totally honest, I finally felt MORE comfortable being 'me' than I ever have ever in my entire life.

Totally out of character (of my former self), I found myself knocking at a church door this past summer..something had been put into motion, and I felt myself being wooed in this direction...very hard to explain, but I could feel that events had been aligning themselves...everything that had been happening to me lately was way beyond "coincidence". I can't even begin to tell you how scared & apprehensive I was showing up at their door... I look back at it now & laugh at my silliness; but at the time, it felt like one of the biggest steps into the unknown that I have ever taken. What a shock to me to find out that these people behind the church walls were normal people just like everyone else! :H
I was immediately welcomed in, and within a couple of days had already submerged myself into some projects that I could see that needed to be done... by the time Sunday worship came around, many of the members already knew who I was & were thanking me for cleaning up a problem that they had been dealing with for quite some time.
So many things came together all at once.... I found a place to nurture my spiritual growth... a place where I can volunteer my time & share my skills.... have met so many wonderful people, and have made some very special friendships along the way...
AND, something else that I never thought I would associate with a church....
I'm having FUN being there! :H .... I have a real sense of belonging... it feels like home. :l
Because of being exposed to so many types of music at this church in the past half year, I decided that I wanted music to be more a part of my life, so...
I took up guitar a few months ago...wish me luck... and pray for patience (and temporary hearing loss) for my instructor! :H
The first half of my year has been nothing less than exhilarating... full of twists & turns; I have no idea what awaits in the 2nd half.... but whatever it is, I know one thing for certain... I will face it clean & sober.
Thank you again for your warm wishes...take care everyone! (((HUGS)))