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A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
The high noon sun blazed brightly overhead as Angel skipped cheerfully to the open field where the D.B. has sat still, and silent for the most part, the past week.
The waiting was finally over & Angel could hardly contain herself. Twirling the crowbar like a majorette, she sang & chanted while doing her little happy dance. Around & around the oversized crate she danced until she worked herself into such a frenzy...she collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.
As her eyes began to focus again, she took notice of a small metal tag on the crate. "Damn Imports" she muttered, and got out her magnifying glass to read the inscription:
Acme Devine Boon Model #42
In Hindu mythology there is a force known as the Divine Boon. It is a protection that cannot be destroyed by man or beast. Arrows were fired, stones thrown, but such trifles were brushed aside. Those relying on the Divine Boon were unconquerable and indestructible
Halfway through reading its legacy, a bright glare reflected off the magnifier's lens. Angel the Warrior Princess had been expecting something of this nature and quickly reacted..... in one swift move she caught a sun's ray in the polished glass surface & aimed it directly into the distant binoculars' eyepiece.
An ear-splitting scream was heard in the trees as a familiar silhouette fell to the ground & ran back into the forest in what appeared to be excruciating pain.AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
IAD;305118 wrote: Ok, Fallen Angel ! I can read between the lines. Happy Trails.......
I know that cmhguy3 will be the first, since it's his 2 week celebration. If everything goes as planned, I'm sure he'll be back in time for his one month celebration.
Can I sign you up as well? We're giving out badges for every survivor participant.AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Welcome aboard!
IAD;305233 wrote: Sure, why not ! IAD
Just sign this waiver...don't forget to fill out the back of the form where it says "Next of Kin".... please remove all dental work... place all valuables in enclosed baggy labeled "Angel's Petty Cash Fund"..... fold your clothes neatly & place in incinerator private locker before entering launching pad area.
Any last requests questions?
AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Good Morning,
I agree with IAD, i may have to ponder my decision a little longer as well! But what the hell, I made it to day 14...bring it on!
Guy"I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Do the math
cmhguy3;305523 wrote: Good Morning,
I agree with IAD, i may have to ponder my decision a little longer as well! But what the hell, I made it to day 14...bring it on!
What is it with you guys??? This just doesn't add up.....
everyone knows:
D.B + Multiple Victims = Angel'sReasonToLiveAndStaySober
Are you trying to sabotage my sobriety??AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Let the festivities begin
Hey FlyinHigh..
about time you got here and gave me a hand... these guys have been very uncooperative, to say the least.
Tlrgs was really getting on my nerves....wouldn't stand still :dancingskel:when I was trying to pick him off with my trusty slingshot
IAD's duct-taped to that power pole over there... if he gives you any trouble, just flick this switch a few times...nfire: I found that quiets him down for awhile after his initial scream. I got him penciled in for the Grand Finale, we should have a back-up though...you never know, the old coot might have a coronary before his turn... that would be so typical... always thinking of himself first.
Glad we had that calf roping refresher course last week...
came in handy when Guy had a change of mind.
No worries... I got him all ready to go
...just need your help to get him over to the launching pad.
AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
say what. hey stay very still no dont move in any way . i got this tread boobetrap. if you make one wrong move boom now i got you ha ha:dancingskel::dancingskel::dancingskel::beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Hello Boys....
It seems like some of you have been very naughty lately...and need a good ol' fashion spankin':b&d:
You have not been very polite to your hostess...very naughty.......
so to assist her in her path, i will join in and make sure you behave!
Believe me, this is a necessary, life-giving, sobriety-fulfilling mission we are on here,
you should be thankful that you were ...choosen....um, invited to participate. I believe you all signed the waiver, so now you should just submit to the torture....do we need to say "pretty please" ?
I need to go oil my whip, I'll be watching you boys with a close eye....no funny business, got it? or else it's over the wall with you!
Good, I'm glad we got that settled down now....
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
The Sisterhood of the Flying Projectiles Reunion
flyinhigh;305705 wrote: Hello Boys....
It seems like some of you have been very naughty lately...and need a good ol' fashion spankin':b&d:
You have not been very polite to your hostess...very naughty.......
Flyin, so glad you made it.... I knew I could count on you to keep these men in line!
you've always had that special touch.
Are you ready?
Shall we get MWO's first annual Spring Fling-A-Thon started??AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
Drumroll please.....
And now ladies & gentlemen...boys & girls...
The moment you've all been waiting for....
Ain't she a beauty??
(Angel's knees go weak as she swoons)AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...
says flyin' as she strokes her whip. Her fingers fondle the tip as she wonders who will fly first...trlgs? guy? iad? or this one called doubter? The possiblities are endless!
"Im so glad to have taken residence here, the toys are fabulous!"
she states aloud from her room in the tower.