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A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

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    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

    What the ..... hell!!

    FallenAngel;313781 wrote: *rumage rumage*
    Ahhhhh... here's the chains... I wonder how I should secure him in the Devine Boon?? Maybe a leg fastened like this...over to that....... and I should probably use a chain to secure his arms like this.....

    What the ?????

    A terrible thought crosses Angel's mind...
    were those Flyin's chains... or Doubter's??? Who holds the key?

    What the sacred copulation is transpiring on this hallowed ground!!!!

    RejuvenatedDoubter walks into the warzone expecting EnragedAngel to keep prancing around with her patently ineffectual posturing just to entertain the masses with bread and circuses and lo...what does he find...

    AdorableAngel...suddenly imprisoned in chains !!!...that too not of Doubter's doing..

    Doubter's quicksilver mind goes into a fearsome whirl... Is any unfortunate rival staking claim to Angel's affections right under DoubtertheDareDevil 's extralong nose?

    Who has the temerity to undertake such a loathsome & reckless endeavour of imprisoning Doubter'sDamsel ....doesn't he / she know that -

    Every breath Angel takes
    Every move she makes
    Every bone
    she breaks
    Every step she takes
    Every word she says
    Every game she plays
    Every vow she breaks
    Every smile she fakes
    Every claim she stakes

    Doubter will be silently watching her. To make his move at the exact oppurtune moment.

    "Whoever you are Buster...having the foolhardiness to take on Angel's are once and for all issued the sternest possible ultimatum.... Back off...get your hands off my alter ego...
    She's all be taken as my bounty after DoubtertheGood's eventual victory at a just reward for a battle well-fought & deservedly-won...

    Else, Doubter will have no other option but to come at you firing on all cylinders...Don't you dare become the hapless target of Doubter's wrath !!!

    Be scared...Be very scared..And I expect Angel to be freed unconditionally by the time Doubter reappears on the theater of War!!"

    And Angel, once you experience your all-too-temporary brush with freedom, the hostilities shall resume again in right earnest hurling to the inexorable conclusion outlined above..

    DoubtertheChivalrousKnightinShiningKevlarArmourrus hingtotherescueoftheDamselinDistress
    *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*


      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

      Woe is me

      doubter;313934 wrote:
      ..And I expect Angel to be freed unconditionally by the time Doubter reappears on the theater of War!!
      Are you saying that these aren't yours?... and you don't have the keys??
      Flyin says they're not hers either.... WHO the hell HAS the keys???

      Uh oh...I got a feeling I'm USCWOAP again *sigh*
      AF 6 years
      NF 7 years

      A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

        hey there you are i forgot about you if you want the key you have to beg and say nicely .........the word.
        or we can drag this out all day and you can just sit there in those chains and the look fits you . never mind i am going for a walk around the castle
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

          Dont go easy on her tlrgs! Make her work for the keys! I think at e very least she owes all the Guys a bonus Fling for her freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Hey, maybe I can seel that slogan to the US Campaign Trail..."Fling for Freedom"!

          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

            kool with you guy... fling for freedom!!! fling for freedom!!!!
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

              Does anyone have a paperclip I could borrow?

              tlrgs;314125 wrote: hey there you are i forgot about you if you want the key you have to beg and say nicely .........the word.

              YOU'RE the one with the keys?? O lord, that's all I need.
              Beg? Excuse me...did you say beg?? Angels don't beg. We may get a BEG on our faces from time to time....but we never beg.

              WHAT word?
              Chocolate? SassyRedShoes?

              AF 6 years
              NF 7 years

              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                I should have known

                cmhguy3;314147 wrote: Dont go easy on her tlrgs! Make her work for the keys!
                AF 6 years
                NF 7 years

                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                  A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                  duck tape COULD be the word.... NOT

                  beg please beg ........keep it up i am going to puck your wings
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                    Got a 50/50 chance of getting this right

                    tlrgs;314195 wrote: duck tape COULD be the word.... NOT
                    If it's not DuctTape, then it must be Chocolate?? Mmmmmmm......
                    that must be what it is! :h :h :h
                    AF 6 years
                    NF 7 years

                    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                      very cold can you ask mee nicely .....................................!
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                        I know!

                        tlrgs;314205 wrote: very cold

                        Chocolate Ice Cream!
                        AF 6 years
                        NF 7 years

                        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                          colder real colder
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...


                            tlrgs;314210 wrote: colder real colder

                            Glacier Ice??
                            AF 6 years
                            NF 7 years

                            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                              ok heres a hint how do you ask for something when you want something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                                That's easy...

                                tlrgs;314215 wrote: ok heres a hint how do you ask for something when you want something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Gimme that or you die!
                                AF 6 years
                                NF 7 years

                                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step

