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A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

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    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

    We're nuts, not fruitcakes

    Twinks2U;314307 wrote: I was able to gain entry by throwing many many rocks at boys. Can I come and play with you fruitcakes people???
    to MWO Twinks! Did you get through the first level of throwing rocks at silly boys??
    If you passed the first level of the arcade game, that qualifies you entry into the Sisterhood of Flying Projectiles.... wanna join us??
    I know that our high tech toys like the trebuchet & slingshots might look a bit overwhelming at first, but with a little practice I'm sure you'll catch on!
    Are you quit, or are you MODing?? And how long have you been doing this??
    AF 6 years
    NF 7 years

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

      she back in the saddle again .. she back lol
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

        I ate a can of worms once!

        Twinks2U;314319 wrote: I don't know how to use these forums. I don't even know if my posts are showing up. Dang, I hate it when I'm stupid! Don't reply to that, I know I just opened up a can of worms. :laughmonkey:
        I'd say you're doing pretty darn good... you found the [More] button already! It took me about a week to find that! LOL And yes..your posts are showing up... so are mine :soapbox2:... to the dismay of many.

        Yep, ate a whole can of worms once.... but only for revenge! :H
        AF 6 years
        NF 7 years

        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...


          Welcome and nice to meet you...seems to be you set our girl free....don't know how you did it...but somehow you got tlrgs to let her go and let her have her horse back....great job!

          Our humble abode here is a sweet place to reside hope you like's just a lot of work to keep up and the boys just have not been doing there share....


            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

            FallenAngel;314321 wrote: :colorwelcome:
            to MWO Twinks! Did you get through the first level of throwing rocks at silly boys??
            If you passed the first level of the arcade game, that qualifies you entry into the Sisterhood of Flying Projectiles.... wanna join us??
            I know that our high tech toys like the trebuchet & slingshots might look a bit overwhelming at first, but with a little practice I'm sure you'll catch on!
            Are you quit, or are you MODing?? And how long have you been doing this??
            I have been quit for 2 years. I just quit one day and I haven't missed it really. I avoid situations where I'm around drinkers though, so I'm sure that helps. I have a EX who has been quit for a few months now and I'm starting to learn more and more about our lives together, I wish I knew then what I know now. :upset: At least we are friends now and I keep checking on him and making sure that he's doing okay. See how nice of a Ex Wife I can be???? :lol3:


              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

              Yep, ate a whole can of worms once.... but only for revenge! :H
              You are kidding, right????
              I still don't know what all of these fricken buttons mean so if I screw things up then forgive me. I'm not used to this kind of a forum. It's a lot different than others that I have been on.


                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                Hello Flyin,
                Do those boys think the ladies are supposed to clean that dingy old castle all by ourselves? I'm getting some bigger rocks!


                  A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                  thats right twinks....

                  It is very nice of you to be so kind to your ex and all, but here at our castle....there is a simple rule of conduct....i think you got it already, but these boys....not sure....

                  so if you wouldn't mind softening them up a bit does make things around here go better....thank you dear


                    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                    Welcome to the Hood!

                    Twinks2U;314345 wrote: You' are kidding, right???
                    About the worms...ummmm....sometimes I wish I was kidding!
                    Little Devil Angel learned at an early age how to get back at boys!!...just took a few years to perfect my technique! :H

                    Wow! 2 years!! :goodjob: You are my hero! And I like your attitude about boys! Oh... before I forget... beware of this guy that shows up now & then around here.... DoubterLameAssName or something like have everyone's permission here to throw rocks & topple boulders...and anything else extremely painful you can think of at him!!

                    AF 6 years
                    NF 7 years

                    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                      HI, while on my travels noticed this. The 2 piolts look familiar. Beware fellas seems the sisterhood have new methods and the fling thing has been put away for a bit. Guy is that you???Any way ye abandon all hope any male that enters this thread up anchor for me gotta keep moving harder to catch that way.



                        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...


                        While floating around noticed this (ATTached) Seems the 2 pilots look familiar , Mr t is that you in your duct tape suit or is it u guy in your fling thing suit or heaven for bid is it Doubter. Maybe the fling thing has been put away for a while and the sisterhood has moved on to more "effective" methods. Ye all ye men that enter this thread ABANDON all hope. I am, outa here up anchor gotta keep moving plot course to unkown destination. Davey Jones locker looks good compared to this. YIKES




                          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...



                            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                            THE SISTERS ARE UP TO SOMETHING


                            While floating around to my horror I took a quick snap of this horrific scene (see attachment) .

                            The 2 pilots looked vaguely familar: one with a feathered substance protruding from the chopper window. Fellas I fear the sisters have parked the fling thing and have moved on to more elaborate and "effective" measures:egad::egad:. Mr T that aint you on the ladder in your duct tape suit or Guy is it you in your Fling thing suit or heaven forbid my learned friend Doubter????. I know it aint AD as he seems to enjoy the more earthly castle based beatings:b&d."Ye he whom enter this thread ABANDON all hope" or however it goes. guys Im outta here up anchor set course for a lost place were this chopper cant find me:bagdude:. Id rather be locked up for ever in Davey Jones's Locker so Im off . YIKES

                            Captn Always watch the skiesointup: Attached files [img]/converted_files/490726=3293-attachment.jpg[/img]


                              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                              Ahhhhh.. I feel MUCH better now Captn, don't you?? lol

                              Captnjack;314501 wrote: Last edited by Captnjack : Today at 08:05 AM. Reason: I have discovered what it means and was scolded for deleting lol
                              3 X :bin: = :b&d::b&d::b&d:
                              AF 6 years
                              NF 7 years

                              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                                OUCH !!!!! You feel better now Hell NO shit what about me I feel like I am 10 years before the bloody MAST because I cant spell piolit and delete things lol.Those lashings hurt WAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA

                                Still luv ya in a pain sort of way LOL


