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A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

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    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

    Now guys don't let him drive around like that. We may need him....for something....someday...


      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

        Wow, now that was worth the wait!!!


          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

          looks like you have been staying busy time
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

            Excerpt from the Book of Darren:

            The Darrens watched roger turn a rainbow of colors... and then finally settle in the blue range.
            An argument broke out as to if he was a Royal Blue hue...or leaning more towards Cyan. They did agree after 14 votes that he definitely looked like he was leaning.

            Someone suggested that perhaps they should do something about the rubber glove still attached to his head. A poll was taken, and remarkably..... in only 127 was decided that a nice potted orange Mum plant would compliment Roger's head quite nicely. No one wanted to go to the Florist & miss the excitement of watching Roger's new chicken dance, so Messenger was called upon to make the delivery. It was unfortunate that the flowers took so long to arrive... the blooms had already started to deadhead, which reminded the Darrens of their dear sweet Roger... he hadn't been moving much in the past 3 days. They propped him up in a chair & hired an Interior Decorator to place the Mum plant in just the right place on the coffee table in front of him. As everyone stood back to admire their work, Roger let out a gasp & fell into the potted plant. Horrified... the Darrens immediately leaped into action and every attempt was made to save the plant.

            AF 6 years
            NF 7 years

            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

              Excerpt from the Book of Darren

              Panic ran a muck as the Darrens feverishly tried to save the plant.
              Roger's head had impacted the pot so hard that it broke in several places & the Darrens were now desperately trying to piece it back together. Hippie snipped a finger off the rubber glove to use as a tie, and strangely it was noticed that immediately after that, Roger seemed to come back to life. The Darrens were overjoyed!
              Hippie's idea worked & with a little TLC, it looked like the plant would pull through.

              AF 6 years
              NF 7 years

              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                Excerpt from the Book of Darren

                Roger's injuries were soon tended to after they noticed what a mess he had made from breaking the pot. It was decided after one vote that if Roger made the mess, Roger should clean it up.

                It was observed that his incoherent babbling had taken on a different tone and that it seemed a bit odd that he kept trying to shove a broom handle up his nose. A few of the Darrens were quite concerned....
                this might actually have an effect on his ability to do a proper clean-up job & delay their trip back to the Captn's boat.

                The Darrens formed a committee and after much discussion came to the conclusion that Roger's behavior was down right annoying. A Brain Specialist was summoned & Roger was diagnosed with amnesia among a long list of other mental disorders. It was agreed that his other symptoms could be tolerated, but the fact that he had no recollection of his ailing BBQ & the impact that it would have in Darren history books, was not settling well with Angel at all.
                The rest of the Darrens finished tidying up the castle and made arrangements to have the castle fumigated of the nasty little varmits that had made their appearance during their absence. Time's time machine got pimped for the trip, and the Darrens were finally going to get back to the business at hand.... their 3 hour tour.
                AF 6 years
                NF 7 years

                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                  A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                  thank you t

                  for sharing your friends...
                  they were very helpful in figuring out the errors in time's machine.....

                  ...and now luckily to them we were able to make all corrections!
                  As soon as the boys finishing doing this manual labor, we will zip on out of here!!


                    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                    Wow T, those guys must be luckier smarter than they look. It seems the machine is up and running.


                      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                      Excerpt from the Book of Darren

                      Angel was very concerned about Roger's loss of memory, and with good reason. For it was only her that knew what impact this could have on the entire future of the Darrenhood. All would be lost if Roger & his BBQ were not at the right place at the right time.
                      And so with the weight of the entire Darren world on her shoulders.... she summoned Roger to her quarters. As Time's time machine made its long voyage back to Captn's boat, she recited word for word, a bedtime story to Roger from the Book of Darren.

                      AF 6 years
                      NF 7 years

                      A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                        Angel recites from the Book of Darren

                        "A long time ago, in a world of their own....
                        the Darrens embarked on a 3 hour tour. The trip was delayed for several days due to the excess (but necessary) luggage the ladies brought with them. After several modifications to the boat & renting a cargo ship, the gang was finally on their way to enjoy a nice leisurely cruise out on the sparkling diamond sea.

                        Suddenly, without warning, the sky turned black & the winds began to blow. Soon the little boat was being tossed to & fro on the pounding waves. An ominous vortex emerged out of nowhere...and the Darrens and all the shoes on board were now in immediate peril of losing their lives. Luckily, quick thinking & an 49 cent drain plug saved the day.

                        No sooner had they recovered from seeing their lives flash before their eyes, when a large ship appeared on the horizon. The Darrens were ecstatic to think that more people were going to join in their celebration. (It escapes this writer at the moment of what they were celebrating... could have been a new pair of shoes acquired by one of the Sisters, or possibly the discovery of dance poles installed on deck. The guy Darrens seemed to be quite excited by the fact that the girls could now get their regular exercise routines in, even though there was some improvising required).

                        As the other ship came closer in view, it only took a few hours to distinguish the meaning behind the cross bones of the flag.... and the Darrens suddenly realized that they were in dire straits. Quickly, they reacted by flinging everything in sight, including the kitchen sink. Angel collapsed from the traumatic experience of watching her little babies being used as projectile weapons...and giving up their soles to save the Darrenhood.

                        Flyin received a S.O.S. from Angel & with lightening speed responded to her cries for help... after letting her wings dry, doing her nails, getting a massage & picking out the right outfit for such an occasion.

                        Sister Thankful was out for a leisurely sunny day cruise on her pet shark when she heard Angel's piercing screams for help. Flyin & Thankful quickly moved into Super-Hero mode & rescued a good majority of the surviving shoes that were still afloat. They brought them back to the boat and used them as smelling salts to revive Angel.

                        As the pirate ship moved ever closer to our gang's boat, it was discovered that the Captain of the ship was no other than Captain Jack Sparrow himself. The one weakness of the Sisterhood exposed itself, and their lust basic instinct took over. Without hesitation, the girls snapped off the dance poles ie: masts, and pole-vaulted themselves over to the Pirate ship.

                        Good times were had by all, except for the Darrens left back on Captn's boat. Their cries & moans resounded through the salty night air. Finally, the Sisters could no longer take the agonizing shrieking & whimpering heard from the other vessel. They had their lawyers write up an agreement for the terms & conditions on which they would reunite with the guy Darrens."
                        AF 6 years
                        NF 7 years

                        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                          The story continues....

                          Angel softly whispers the adventures of the Darrens as she gently sweeps the hair away on Roger's forehead....

                          "The girls insisted that they be brought back to the boat in style,
                          and of course... in bubbles.
                          Without hesitation, the guys sent out the rescue boat >>>>>>

                          which was immediately returned because of the wrong scented bath salts.
                          Upon its return, the boys realized what a grave error in judgment that had been made, and flogged themselves repeatedly for such an oversight. After the bleeding stopped, they went to work to correct their mistake. Another tub was sent over.... and returned.. with a note saying that the water was not the right temperature. More flogging entailed.
                          The 3rd attempt was deemed satisfactory, and BeThankfulIHaveAgreedToComeBack....
                          made her journey back to Captn's boat."
                          AF 6 years
                          NF 7 years

                          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                            "Roger.....surely you remember Thankful on the shark, or at least the dance pole."


                              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                              Angel continues reciting from the Book of Darren

                              "The Guy Darrens thought they were on a roll, and promptly assembled another
                              bubblebath to retrieve their next lovely maiden from the clutches of the enemy.
                              They made sure the correct scented bath crystals were perfectly blended and that
                              the water was the perfect temperature.
                              When it showed up at the Pirate's ship, Time was livid in the lack of attention
                              to detail, and immediately sent the bathtub back loaded with piranhas.

                              More flogging.... this time with the assistance of BeThankfulIDon'tQuitMyDayJob.
                              Upon inspection of the injuries incurred.... it appeared that IAD had no damage
                              to his right arm or hand, and was elected to retrieve a bottle with a note
                              inside, attached securely to the drain plug.
                              As IAD recovered the bottle out of the piranha invested bathtub,.... screams of
                              agony pierced the ocean air, startling birds out of their nests in a far off
                              island. Apparently IAD had other pending obligations, and quickly dashed to the
                              lower deck. Everyone waited for him to return so that he would open the bloodied
                              bottle. They waited. They waited some more. Finally, they realized how
                              self-centered IAD really could be in a time of crisis, and decided to take
                              action into their own hands. Hippie took it upon himself to open up the bottle & fished out the note.
                              His lower lip started to quiver as he read the written words.
                              "What??" everyone yelled.
                              Hippie hung his head.
                              "We screwed up big time....

                              the bubbles were the wrong size".
                              AF 6 years
                              NF 7 years

                              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                                be strong.

                                [ame= ]YouTube - Citizen Hero - Decibelle and Manhammer on Responsibilty[/ame]

