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A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

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    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

    Captn's day has arrived!

    Thanks everyone for the well-wishes.... it really does feel great to be looking at a whole year less than a month away now! Wow, what a many ways it has flown by..... but also, I can look back and clearly see every stage I went through. I have a feeling this is going to be a wonderful upcoming month of both reflection & looking to the future.

    on to more important issues:
    Captnjack;353698 wrote: THE FLING has finally arrived Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Yes! The fling is going to happen tonight!!!... Finally..... after precisely 1 month, more or less! :H
    I think it will start about 7:30 pm EST.... and will probably take a couple of hours.
    I hope you enjoy it Captn... as I told you a month ago, this is a fling that will go down in Darren history! lol
    AF 6 years
    NF 7 years

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

      "Y fronts undies" IAD not go betweens lol. Nothing more important than those 11 months dear angel.......... dare i say lol not even my fling
      love cap


        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

        I was busy...not procrastinating! lol

        time2change;353582 wrote: Not so fast Angel!!! I think I like that first fling better. LOL
        Me too! :h
        Why do you think Captn's fling has taken so long! :H :H :H
        AF 6 years
        NF 7 years

        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

          Congrats Angel! And I love a good fling ready!
          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

            fallen in??

            FallenAngel;352465 wrote: ... it was discussed in great detail that in fact what was missing, was Angel... and maybe they should get her tub ready & sent over to pick her up.
            Due to eons of practice, the guy Darrens quickly assembled a most spectacular bath for Angel, and sent it over to the Pirate ship. The tub disappeared from view, but within a few minutes, it was floating back towards the Darren boat with Angel.
            They could see the tips of her wings resting lightly on the tub's rolled rim..... she was obviously having a wonderful soak beneath the billowing mounds of bubbles.

            All the guy Darrens (except Roger, who was in a far corner mourning his BBQ) jumped for joy that their first attempt to rescue Angel was a success!
            Flyin didn't like the feel of this....this was not like Angel.
            She tried to see the tub more clearly as it came closer, but then was distracted by a loud, deafening noise coming from the other direction...
            AF 6 years
            NF 7 years

            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

              Ship To Shore

              Breaking the seal, and decoding the secret message, Sparrow makes the call....

              "Mission accomplished.
              Your bounty is safe, secured and waiting for your arrival."
              AF 6 years
              NF 7 years

              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                The long awaited call

                *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*


                  A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                  WTF is going on???

                  The noise kept getting louder & louder...the air swirled in every direction... the Darrens immediately ran inside to do a quick touch-up so they would look their best for Angels' arrival. When they got back out on deck, to their amazement, a helicopter was hovering over the main mast of the Pirate Ship where Sparrow was now standing.

                  Laughing, he gave a salute in their direction & quickly hoisted himself in....circled the Darren's boat a few times... and then flew off in the direction it had came.
                  The Darrens watched the scenario unfold in utter disbelief. And as they watched, not one of them turned back towards the Pirate ship. If they had, they would have seen a black speedboat stealthily maneuver its way up along the other side....a lone figure ascend onto the ship, and quickly return back....carrying what appeared to be a limp body over their shoulder.
                  AF 6 years
                  NF 7 years

                  A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                    A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                    Uh Ohhh....

                    As the helicopter sped off into the distance,
                    the Darrens were at a loss of what to do...this really had broken the momentum of their party... and they all were aware of the cosmic fact that when there's a break in the party mode,
                    the universe can be a real bitch to live with. Which reminded them... Angel must be waiting to be helped out of the tub by now... and she certainly didn't take kindly to waiting.
                    Thoughts of the repercussions :b&d::b&d::b&d: beaded up on the guy's foreheads as they rushed over to help escort Angel on board.

                    After sifting through all the bubbles for 3 hours, the Darrens came to the conclusion that Angel was NOT in the tub.... that was NOT her rubber ducky.... but that WAS most definitely her toe ring attached to the drain plug. After a long debate, it was finally concluded that since Angel was not in the tub, which would mean that she wasn't here....which meant she must still be over there on the pirate's ship...which meant they should probably do something about this. 157 votes later, it was decided that they should go into panic mode & save Angel. They all piled into the tub, which felt uncomfortably cramped since Roger insisted on taking his BBQ.

                    After the 83 second float over to the Pirate ship, the Darrens all scrambled on board & quickly formed a search party for Angel. As they busily searched the cabins, the speed boat fired up it's engine and sped off over the diamond sparkling sea.

                    Roger, who had stayed up on deck the whole time clutching his BBQ, decided that the time had was now time to say goodbye. Oblivious to the commotion going on around him, he calmly walked over to the canon & dropped the BBQ down its chamber.... all the while the rest of the Darrens were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Guy dashed up from below and yelled "I found Angel!"
                    IAD looked into the direction of the speed boat.... "That must be Sparrow's crew....GET THEM!!" he yelled out in blood-thirsty vengeance.
                    At the same time...Captn noticed Roger placing the BBQ down the canon...."that's not right" he thought to himself.
                    IAD grabbed Roger by the arm and dragged him over to the edge of the ship "DO YOU SEE THAT??? he shrieked wildly....."THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!!! We can't let them...not after what they've put us through...WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ROGER!!!" Captn meandered over to the now unattended canon, looked around & saw nobody was watching. "What a fool tlrgs is" he thought, disgusted with Roger's lack of insight...."throwing away a perfectly good cooking rack". The BBQ hadn't gone all the way down the shaft, and Captn could just touch the handle... "just a few more inches & I can get it"
                    he muttered to himself... as he lowered himself down a ways into the barrel. Just as he thought he had a grasp on it...the BBQ slid down to the bottom..... and Captn... making a gallant effort to grab it before it did.... fell down into the bottom as well.

                    (It should be noted, that the same birds who were scared out of their nest in a far off island from IAD's screams of agony from retrieving the drain plug from the piranha-infested bathtub, were once again rudely awoken by Captn's shriek of "AGGGGGHHHHH!!!" as he fell down the barrel of the canon).
                    This btw, went completely unnoticed by all the other Darrens...especially tlrgs.

                    "i know what to do" said Roger to IAD, with new-found confidence. He walked back to the canon, gave it a gentle pat, aimed it in the direction of the quickly disappearing speedboat, and said a final prayer for his best friend of so many years.... his BBQ. "Ready.....Aim......."
                    "Don't Fire!!" shrieked Flyin & Time as they rushed up the stairs from the cabins below. "DON'T FIRE!!!!"
                    AF 6 years
                    NF 7 years

                    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                      A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                      yeah ??? yeah ok!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! !!!!
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                        Not all wings are Angels'

                        (Flyin & Time had just discovered that Angel was NOT down in the Captn's quarters...asleep & curled up in a blanket like Guy had said earlier...but that this had been a devious trick played on them to vie for more time).

                        "Don't you ever listen??" screamed Flyin & Time, running full tilt towards the canon....shoving Roger out of the way, as they pushed with all their might to change the canon's line of fire in the last millisecond. A loud crack of thunder broke loose as the Captain & Roger's BBQ shot out of the canon....

                        Through her binoculars, Time saw Captain
                        sailing through the wild blue yonder... towards what looked like, a far off island.The Darrens stood there one direction, they saw Captn & Roger's BBQ being flung in the most spectacular of ways.... and in the other direction, Angel being kidnapped by some evil villian that was capable of such a diabolical scheme such as this.

                        What were they to do??

                        They all stared at the the speedboat now disappearing over the shimmering horizon...
                        "we'll miss you Angel" they said,
                        as they turned their gaze the other way to watch their most spectacular fling yet.
                        AF 6 years
                        NF 7 years

                        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                          A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                          East meets West

                          "Welcome to Paradise Island, Angel".
                          "More like 'Hell on Earth' if you ask me".
                          "Now Angel...relax...this is all for your own good. Everything is here that you could possibly want...sandy beaches, waterfalls, 35 varieties of mangoes, piles of boulders restocked daily... what more could you want?"
                          "What I want is to be out of here... and as far away from you as possible".
                          "I hope you don't mean that... because I'm afraid that you & I are going to be here for awhile. I thought you might need a break from your hectic schedule, and leased this deserted island just for the two of us" replied Doubter looking up to the sky, watching the plane fly away that would not be back for another 352 days.

                          * * *
                          Days, weeks, months pass....
                          Angel perfecting her boulder toppling & rock throwing, all the while Doubter perfected his quick healing capabilities.
                          The day finally came when Angel dropped the rock that she had ready to throw at Doubter.
                          "Ok win....I'm exhausted... I give up".

                          "No Angel, I don't win... we both lose.
                          The plane is arriving any minute to take us back to our separate homelands."

                          * * *

                          Angel was dropped off first after a long, quiet flight back. "I enjoyed every minute Angel....let's do this again, shall we?" Angel grimaced as Doubter gave her a gentle peck on the cheek... "don't ever change Angel... I like you just the way you are" he said with a laugh as the pilot prepared for take-off. Angel reached in her back pocket, and in one swift lightening move, shot a rock from her trusty slingshot aimed right between Doubter's eyes. With Chuck Norris Round House kick speed & precision, Doubter caught it effortlessly, with time to spare. "I'll miss you too" he smiled, as he tucked the stone in his pocket to save with all the others of his treasured collection.
                          AF 6 years
                          NF 7 years

                          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                            A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...



                            The view was quite spectacular as Captn streaked through the sky.

                            Gazing through her binoculars, Time could see he was really getting into some great freestyle moves as he reached altitude. Captn was having the most wonderful fling, and thought to himself how this had certainly been worth the wait. It was at about that moment of feeling such bliss, that he noticed that the ground & everything on it was very rapidly getting larger..... and wondering if this should be a concern of his. Too late for taking a vote on that... a tall Mango tree had made the decision for him..... and Roger's BBQ. A decision by the feathered residents of the tree was also made.... they were going to demand their money back, this was not the quiet, tranquil refuge the travel agency had promised. Roger's BBQ was now precariously teetering in their nest, and they were not all all pleased by the intrusion & loudly protested their opinion of this matter.

                            From the top of the tree, Captn made it down to the ground by falling in installments...and of course, lots of cussing. All this commotion had alerted the local residents and they immediately came running to see what had disturbed their sacred bird sanctuary. Captn ceased his cursing & stoning the squawking birds when he suddenly realized he was surrounded my the most magnificent women he had ever laid eyes on. "Are.... are you Amazon women?" he queeried. The circle parted, and the most stunning woman he had ever seen approached him. "Yes...yes we are Amazon women" she replied. "Amazon-bird-loving-man-hating-lesbian-women".
                            Captn's world suddenly went very he staggered backwards into the tree. Another round of squawking came from the birds up above... then a loud crashing noise followed. Captn looked up ..."WTF??" he saw something very black & very hard come crashing down through the branches...


                            "Captn...Captn.... are you ok? WAKE UP!! Time said frantically. "Huh?? What happened? Where am I?" asked Captn in a dazed voice, looking up at all the Darrens. "You tripped over Roger's BBQ & hit your head on the mast. I told him he shouldn't bring that along. Maybe it would be best not to go on a 3 hour tour today".
                            AF 6 years
                            NF 7 years

                            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                              A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                              GREAT FLING...IT WAS QUITE A DREAM !!!!LOL..
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

                                I AM SPEECH LESS wow

