Congratulations on 4 months of sobriety
really good at ->>> :boxer:
Thanks Angel, time, flyin,tlrgs and all friends here on the thread and mwo:thanks:
Its been a great ride - this four month journey of sobriety, especially with the help and support of friends here at mwo.
This milestone triggered memories of what happened in the past four months - my first post here in a terrible state of mind and from then on, slowly emerging out of the vicelike grip of alcohol and probably finding a very important part of myself which I didn't even realise that I've lost touch with.
As days progress, my ability to deal with life in all its stark reality without the debilitating crutch of booze is definitely impoving. Everyday, I'm finding atleast one more confirmation that life can be lived better without alcohol. I thought I drank for fun. I was mistaken. Now I know that it was sheer escapism from the harsh realities of life.
These four months have brought about really major changes in my lifestyle. The biggest gain today is definitely the re-discovery of my self-belief - the realisation that we can really achieve absolutely anything if we really put our minds to it.
I've been thinking of some goals for the next four months, during which I resolve to stay alcohol-free. I've already found a number of worthy substitutes to fill in the time that I've reclaimed from alcohol. One of which is to prepare for a ten kilometre run within the next four months. I'll be posting about my progress in the fitness thread from now on. This I hope shall keep me away from romanticizing about booze.
Angel! I hope by now, inspite of all my recondite posts, I've somehow been able to communicate how much you've helped me in remaining sober. In fact, you are the one who prodded me on to this path of sobriety and then remained steadfast in your support and encouragement , whenever I had doubts about the purpose of it all. I remain eternally grateful.
Time, T & flyin, thanks for your best wishes. We are all partners in progress. I reside halfway across the world and still, associating with you all at mwo made me realise that human predicaments are essentially similar all around the globe. Talk about human connectedness!
And Angel! Don't you for a moment think that Doubter's fighting spirit is in anyway weakened. Just waiting for the oppurtune moment, that's
And Captn, great that you really had a fling of the lifetime!
Have fun everyone.