I've had this discussion with you before.. I can only talk from what happened with me... and for me drinking is about escaping emotion. For me its when I am less perfect than I think I am.. or its when I dont live up to my own expectations and my own expectations are just too bloody high (I'd say).
Of course, you are a different person with a different set of circumstances. Maybe (I'm only guessing here) you want to be 'normal' and you see 'normal' as being able to have a few drinks... maybe this is an issue for you still.. (sorry if I'm off the mark here).. Anyway, this is something that plays with my mind on occasion.. but for me learning to be myself sober has meant that I've had to come to terms with this aspect of myself. I simply do not drink a few drinks. It just does not happen. If I drink, that buzz leads me inescapably to blackout. That is my honesty. Sure, I reckon I could try it once and fool myself, but I know where it leads me. That is what honest sobriety is.. realizing this fact.
Seems like you are holding onto your honesty.. so keep at it and dont give in. You know how it is when you read about people starting out here and how hard they find it... and you will them to succeed.. well you know what it takes to get sober.. you know how hard it is.. why give up on the work you have put in so far? I can see no reason.
You will get there Don.
And hi Louise.. I see you are going well tooxx