I need to tell you that I have drank a few times over the course of this past week. I have no explanation other than I wanted to see if I could. Does that make sense? I don?t feel like a failure but I am upset with myself. The good news is I never had more than a few and did not get super wasted. I think it is ironic that other long term abstainers have been struggling as well on the boards and it just reaffirms to me that you can never take your eye off the ball. Please don't give in like I did. I also must admit that I did not really enjoy it. I think it was the case of good old fashioned Midwest guilt!
I am once again dusting myself off and resetting my clock so to speak. I did have a thought this morning though as it was pointed out to me a while back by Fallen Angel, even though I have fell off the wagon numerous times since I joined MWO last December, I have had the most alcohol free days of my life in 2008. Before I came here I was drinking up to two bottles of wine or half a liter of vodka a night and that had gone on for about five years! I realize that I must continue to work on my triggers and find more ways to cope with that sneaky beast voice because I have no intentions to go back to that life. I have come to far to give up now!
So even though I have stumbled, I am still oh so grateful for finding this site and for all of you wonderful people who have supported each of us on this journey and battle. I also wanted to say that I so admire you all who are farther along on your own journeys. If it were not for you and support and encouragement I don?t think I would have had the successes that I have had. You all are my inspiration!
Day one!
PS, Last night after a few drinks, I decided to pour the rest down the drain and have some juice and start getting it out of my system. But when I took the bottle out of the freezer, it slipped out of my hands and crashed to the floor and shattered! Do you think that was a sign from God? I do!
