Thinking about it its proberly an accumilation of a lot of small things,but it surprised me, i thought i was past the worst. Very nearly went to the off licence, i had a bit of a conflict going on in my head like i was arguing with myself,reasons why i should and reasons why i should'nt.
Then it got to 10 pm when our shop shut and i was fine....
It was our wedding anniversary yesterday (reason to celebrate with drink) and a lot of my wifes family came upto to visit her parents and they all went out to the pub,While we were stuck at home because i could,nt go...just not ready to go to a pub yet and not drink.felt really sorry for my wife being stuck in with me while i was in a sh*t mood.
I feel a lot better this morning and am sooo glad i did'nt drink last night, just got to find a way to make it upto my wife bigtime for spoiling our anniversary...
Any good ideas would be welcome.....
Speak to you all soon.....Think im gonna like it here
