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    havent written a thread for a while,but you probably all no this,but sharing is good,of late ive been tryingto study a bit under an old doctors teachings,remember in the early nienteen hundreds they had phones,papers, and wahtever other communications available,kinda like now were like a bugs bunny show, we talk thro siber space,in hundreds of a second,can you amgine if the founders of AA and other organisations had the net, for all the years it took,all this could of been accomplished in a day,some here are religious and some are not,manytimes i here one say im an alchoholic,define alchoholic,this part is the opinion of one man.Alchoholism is a desease,essitially,Physical in origin,,a manifetation of an Allergy,this accounts for the phenomenon of the 10 percent of population who, if they drink lose control over Al.the psycological involement caused by the refusal of the alchoholic[heavy drinker quote which was not stated[to ascibe his diificulties to alchohol and his pschic dependence on itt when he or she has reached the compulsive state of his addiction,and then further he says.this is the line of all lines,so much for my own DIAGNOSIS.Know one has the rt to call a person an alchoholic,he also goes on to say,note the only way to treat it is AA TIS NOT A CURE.there is no cure other then conversation with another with drink problem,Note mwo, IS JUST ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE,JUST LIKE AA online for the people that are sensitive or shy,let us work together in the word of mouth and be strong for one another each day,thnx folks gyco yakkin again hahahha dand computor wont let me fix thew spelling to many mistakes hahaha


    Somehow your message gets through all the spelling issues. Yup, we should be all in this together.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



      Sunbeam, you're right ... even with his spelling mistakes we know just what he's saying... good thread Gyco ... I agree, that's why I joined here and came back ... I couldn't face going to a group meeting ... shy, embarrassed, 'someone might know me', felt ugly and fat, horrible person etc ... so yes we should all support each other here ....
      ?We are one another's angels?
      Sober since 29/04/2007



        gyco, you are a treasure! It is a unique thought to compare the tools we have today (sobriety tools), thanks to technology, to the tools that were available nearly a century ago. I am one who would not have been able to seek help if it meant face-to-face. I bet not many women were at the first AA meetings. Anyhow,I am so thankful for the internet and this forum! And for people like you.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

