The first year sober, I immersed myself in trying a home business. I ended up addicted to soda in debt, grins, but it was a HUGE life saver because it gave me something else to put my energies and thoughts into besides drinking.
The next year I quit the home biz and became addicted to online gaming. I found myself isolated, sedentary and out of shape. I wasn?t drinking, but I wasn?t living either. I felt so stuck. Like the only thing that changed was the fact I wasn?t drinking beer anymore. I stayed in my pajamas 24/7. It was kind of discouraging. My doc gave me antidepressants, but ironically, I wasn?t motivated enough to refill the script after the first month. It?s only been recently that I?m rediscovering how to LIVE again.
I?m intentionally switching my addictive behavior to walking, exercise and a healthy diet (NO processed foods). The walking forces me to get dressed everyday, the exercise and diet changes are improving my mood and energy level and I?m not gaming nearly as much. This is where I?m at right now. Any other suggestions for LIVING are welcome? I don?t wanna be just an abstainer one more minute. I?m ready to LIVE! :thanks: