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I need some help today

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    I need some help today

    Hi, I haven't posted on MWO for a long time. I posted on the main forum about a year ago, purchased the book, supplements and some Topamax.

    I tried the Topamax as directed in the book, but it made me crazy, I still drank the same as ever (about 3 bottles wine a day) but started having blackouts. One night I "came to" and was trying to strangle my husband in bed. It scared me into going back to AA.

    Well, I've done ok with them so far, now I have 6 1/2 months of sobriety. BUT, the last month the cravings have come back and today I feel like I am going mad, I am so desperate to have a drink. I've tried going to more AA meetings, I have a sponsor and do the steps and all the things they suggest, but I still want a drink so much. I wondered if anyone here could help? Has any had the same thing and what did you do? I wondered whether to try one of the drugs that I have seen posted about like Campral or Baclofen? I'm afraid to try Topamax again, although I know it works great for lots of others. I just feel so desperate, my head keeps saying "well if you're this miserable without the drink, you might as well be miserable with it".

    Would really appreciate any help.


    I need some help today

    Hi 3Bottles,

    Have you tried breathing techniques/yoga/meditating? I have found all 3 to be really helpfull when dealing with cravings.
    There was a thread earlier with some great links....
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      I need some help today

      Hi 3bottles.
      Having a drink won't solve anything, it will just put you back where you started. Try the toolbox thread, there are lots of techniques and suggestions there. I will bump it up for you.
      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
      November 2, 2012


        I need some help today

        Thanks DeeBee and Wally, I feel better just for reaching out and getting your replies. Its been like this the last month with the cravings and I don't know why, I thought they'd gone. The one thing I've stepped up is Diet Coke, don't suppose that could be affecting my brain somehow? Maybe its my imagination. Dee Bee, I've had trouble with the meditation, can't seem to relax, but I'm going to try it again, plus the yoga - I used to do that before the drinking got out of hand. Wally, I will go and find the toolbox you mention.

        Also, has anyone tried the abstinence hypnotherapy CD's? I was wondering whether to invest in those, do they work?


          I need some help today

          I've recently learnt just how damaging sugar is to our bodies -- there are a couple of interesting threads in the "Holistic Healing" section.

          I personally haven't tried the hypno CD's due to the high cost of shipping and I've read mixed reviews about them -- again I think you'll find some more info in the "Holistic Healing" section.

          I too couldn't relax initially when trying to meditate and found guided meditations helpful. I've loaded a whole lot onto my iPod and can now listen to them where-ever I go.
          The Audio Dharma webiste has some soothing ones otherwise just google "guided meditations" and you'll loose an hour of your life:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            I need some help today

            Dee Bee, thank you. I'm off now to look at all your suggestions. Thanks again, you are a life saver!


              I need some help today

              Hi Three bottles.
              This is just a phase I think. Something similar happened to me before. I think its called Post Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome or PAWS for short.
              I upped all my supplements especially the lglutamine, reduced my caffeine to a bare minimum and really battened down the hatches to fight it.
              It will pass, I promise.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                I need some help today

                Thanks starting over,

                I will look up PAWS on the internet, very interesting!


                  I need some help today

                  my head keeps saying "well if you're this miserable without the drink, you might as well be miserable with it". to quote you 3bottles. May I ask why you're feeling so miserable? Is it just the cravings getting you down or is there something else making you unhappy in your life at the moment. Excellent work on the 6.5 months - you've managed 2.5 more than I have so far! You should be really proud
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    I need some help today

                    Sorry I am late posting I have been awol .... LOL

                    I did get cravings at different times too (see some of my posts !) .. for one point, it is normal.

                    I used kudzu to prevent cravings at special times (Christmas, New Year etc).
                    It seems to not be mentioned much on here again, people preferring the chemical based tabs somehow to the more natural ones.

                    It is apparently a plant that grows wild in the USA ! I bought my tablets from a health food store
                    (I have commented on this in the meds section) and took it as per the instructions on the bottle.
                    For me it worked a treat. (I am not a placebo person - I know when stuff does or doesn't work....)

                    I also drank loads of non-alcoholic lager/beer/wine every night until I was around 18 months sober. It took away my craving for 'alcohol' in any form. I was drinking ''MY'' drink but without getting drunk or high or whatever ... I don't care - it worked for me.... that was my substitute ...
                    and now I enjoy a couple of bottles of af lager here and there ... I no longer need it every night .... YAY !!

                    Don't give up, giving up .... especially when you have got to 6.5 months .... good luck ...

                    ?We are one another's angels?
                    Sober since 29/04/2007


                      I need some help today


                      How are you doing a few days later? I hope you have made it through these cravings and are ready to tackle the underlying issues. There is always something to set a person off - it can be as simple as boredom, or it might be an upcoming social setting. Analize the days that let up to the craving. Then know that that is a trigger for you. You will have less and less cravings as you face the trigger head on.

                      Hope you are doing ok!
                      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                      (from the Movie "Once")


                        I need some help today

                        Hi, thanks Kimberley, Heavenly and Living Free for your replies.

                        I was doing ok the last couple of days, then today I have a terrible craving again.

                        Kimberely, it is the cravings that are getting me down mostly, I have other problems like everybody, but its this obsession, thinking about drinking all the time that's getting to me. I thought it would be completely gone by now. I haven't forgotten how crap my life was when drinking, the awful hangovers, gastric problems, shakes, etc and I don't want that back. I've been doing what I thought were the right things, getting non-drinking friends, group support, etc. But I still obsess about it all the time. I work, and I try to keep busy when I'm not in the hope the thoughts will go, but they are there all the time and its driving me mad.

                        Heavenly, I will send off for some of that Kudzu, I've never tried it, but its sounds like it could work! I'll try anything! I have been taking L-Glutamine as I read that was supposed to help with cravings, but its certainly not helping me!

                        Living Free, the one thing that is making it extra hard is that my husband drinks - a lot. In fact we used to be drinking buddies. He supports me in not drinking (he says), but he still drinks at home. He put it out the way in the first few weeks but its crept back in and everytime I open the fridge there's a flippin bottle of wine in there. I'm fed up of asking him to keep it out my way, in fact he makes such a song and dance about it when he moves it that it makes me feel like a freak!

                        Thanks for the support everyone.


                          I need some help today

                          Hi 3 bottles. My hubby and I used to be drinking buddies too. I don't have cravings, but I do have serious concerns about our relationship at times. I quit smoking and drinking at the same time. Once in awhile I get a major desire to just be able to go to the bar and have a few beers and cigarettes. The 2 habits were so closely entwined I don't care to drink if I can't smoke too. Weird!
                          Anyway, I think I have kind of trained my brain to "want" ice cream or other food treats rather than the alcohol. If I eat and drink something else I don't have any desire for the al. I think that was part of my problem also--instead of eating, I drank and smoked.
                          Now I just need to work on eating healthier.
                          Hang in there, you're doing great!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            I need some help today

                            I am no position to give long term advice....but in tough times I do know that GABA and Taurine helped me. Also, EFT has helped. Its a bit whacky...but it calms my nervous system down...I just need to practice it more. No need to read up on EFT...just go to YouTube and there are several demo's of it.


                              I need some help today

                              3bottles;680413 wrote: Hi, thanks Kimberley, Heavenly and Living Free for your replies.

                              I was doing ok the last couple of days, then today I have a terrible craving again.

                              Kimberely, it is the cravings that are getting me down mostly, I have other problems like everybody, but its this obsession, thinking about drinking all the time that's getting to me. I thought it would be completely gone by now. I haven't forgotten how crap my life was when drinking, the awful hangovers, gastric problems, shakes, etc and I don't want that back. I've been doing what I thought were the right things, getting non-drinking friends, group support, etc. But I still obsess about it all the time. I work, and I try to keep busy when I'm not in the hope the thoughts will go, but they are there all the time and its driving me mad.

                              Heavenly, I will send off for some of that Kudzu, I've never tried it, but its sounds like it could work! I'll try anything! I have been taking L-Glutamine as I read that was supposed to help with cravings, but its certainly not helping me!

                              Living Free, the one thing that is making it extra hard is that my husband drinks - a lot. In fact we used to be drinking buddies. He supports me in not drinking (he says), but he still drinks at home. He put it out the way in the first few weeks but its crept back in and everytime I open the fridge there's a flippin bottle of wine in there. I'm fed up of asking him to keep it out my way, in fact he makes such a song and dance about it when he moves it that it makes me feel like a freak!

                              Thanks for the support everyone.
                              I know it's hard and I hear it in your voice (words !!) but it does ease eventually ... the cravings do lessen until they are just very occasional .... please try and keep fighting it ... it isn't easy and I empathise with you ... keep posting and getting support when you have the cravings to take your mind off it.

                              If you have space could you put another cheap fridge in the garage or somewhere you don't often go to and ask your husband to put the wine in that fridge out of your way ? I was very lucky that I was the only drinker in the house, I admit it does help ....

                              Keep me updated please .....xx
                              ?We are one another's angels?
                              Sober since 29/04/2007

