i am doing fine and i hope everyone else is too.
i had a little help w/my sobriety this week-end. my dad drank almost an entire bottle of whiskey starting friday night.
it was GREAT for me to see how things progressed for him... i know this sounds terrible.
but it is clear evidence for me of what an entirely useless pass time this is!
dad has been doing better actually, not drinking in the week. i guess he is trying to moderate too? i'm not moderating by the way i can't. it simply doesn't happen.
i am seeing benefits:
clear headed mornings (although often still tired due to lack of REM sleep still!)
no food cravings/binges
eating at home, exercising regularly (although i almost always do that anyhow), and losing weight! bonus bonus!
and i am spending much less on food and of course, wine.
so i'm spending on sprucing up the house which is getting quite nice!
so. it's all good and worth it.
on september 6th i will make 30 days af ( i hope).
one of the things that is keeping me on the straight and narrow is now i know that if i drink it will be not one day but MANY days of drunkeness and i just can't deal w/that thought just now. too much else to focus on.