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goin' into another week...

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    goin' into another week...

    week four.
    i have GOT to plan fun stuff for the week-end.
    i'm in a funk.
    i'm lucky you know? i have an art job.
    i live in the caribbean for god sake what IS my problem?
    i am sure there are a million people who would love to change places with me for just a week!
    really i can be so ungrateful.
    gotta SNAP out of this!

    goin' into another week...

    there you go 67 .. start writing a list of things you love to do for fun .. and doesnt cost anything
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      goin' into another week...

      hi tlrgs... i don't quite understand?
      i should write down things to do that don't cost anything or it doesn't cost anything to write down fun things?
      i'm not drinking, i swear! it might seem like it though from my question!

      at this point it doesn't even matter if i spend to keep myself entertained.
      anything is better than drinking!


        goin' into another week...

        sorry 67 i was just saying..
        start a list and work from that list of thing you like to do for fun ..
        and make a plan to really start doing it ..
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          goin' into another week...

          i started a list on my itouch titled "week-end fun" but it's still empty.
          i found a site set up for tourists that lists day excursions.
          i thought about his on wednesday "i need to plan the week-end' and i didn't do it.
          i HAVE TO!!!
          otherwise i know i'm just going to get more and more depressed. not good!
          very dangerous!


            goin' into another week...

            Hi 1967,
            Firstly, you are doing great!!
            Feeling low for no apparent reason is pretty common in early sobriety. Its like learning to live again.
            Now is probably the time to force yourself to do something even if you dont feel like it.
            What about going to the cinema? Getting going on some art project? Doing something you have been putting off forever? Meeting a friend you havent seen for ages? Treating yourself to something? Going swimming? Starting a new exercise routine? Anything to break the cycle you are now in.
            You can do this and I am sure you will :-)
            Good luck!!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              goin' into another week...

              i just woke up and am feeling pretty good.
              my job started again last week after a long, 2.5 month, vacation.
              it was terribly stressful last year. i won't go into it, i coped w/wine.
              it didn't work.
              today is a new day and i need to stay in the moment.
              i did all kinds of crap to try and stay entertained... got false nails, bought plants and worked in the garden... etc.
              i don't have any old friends here unfortunately.
              that is one of my big problems as i've not had time to make new friends either.
              so it's just me.
              reflection time is good, but I've been living here for two years with no friends now.
              it's getting a little bit old.
              anyhow, must focus on the positive:
              1. AF
              2. money is a bit more fluid than usual
              3. art job
              4. i'm still young (sort of?) 41
              5. i'm not bad looking (hehe! sort of!)
              6. education is over and i did a good job of it
              7. finally working in my field.
              8. i have my lovely pets and dad around
              9. .... there must be a nine?

              yes, counting my blessings.. time to get dressed for the day!


                goin' into another week...

                Hi, 1967- I was feeling kind of that way too last week after being really almost euphoric about quitting AL. I just reached 3 weeks AF as well, so I wonder if it is part of the process.

                I noticed too, about the second day in, I had to face some of the issues I conveniently ignored, and thought, "crap, no wonder I drink!", but realized also facing our problems is the first step in solving them. They aren't always as insurmountable as we fear.

                As far as getting out, just pick something, anything and do it. Sometimes tourist things seem a little hokey to locals, but are usually fun. I see people here taking pictures of Southfork ranch from the old "Dallas" tv show (I pass that place on a regular basis) and I wonder why!

                You might try taking a class in something you enjoy, or join some art organization? Finding people who like the same things you do is one basis for forming friendships. I am also an art person, and I think a lot of us tend a little toward being loners, maybe cause art is not necessarily a social activity. You might try to find a class in a different media you haven't tried before, just to do something new, plus meet other folks.

                Take advantage of what's available in your immediate community- I'm real jealous of all that Caribbean music I know you have down there. I love reggae, I love soca, but I'm in Texas so I have to make sure I get out and see any of these guys if they come to town. Even if I can't find someone to go with me. Might be my age (54), and seeing my parents age and pass, and the realization that that is me in 30 years, if I last that long. So there's no time like now to find the joy.

                Great work on keeping AF! Be a "tourist" next weekend! And be sure to tell us about your "vacation"!
                Have a great week,
                Much love to you!!! - Dance
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  goin' into another week...

                  hmm... dancelot... good observation! maybe there is something to the three week threshold?
                  i did drink friday night. i'm still counting though and the reason is because my sobriety is not over.
                  it was a glitch that i wasn't prepared for and didn't think carefully about how i would handle an after work party. my boss said to me 'what?! you are drinking water? no you are not! champagne!'
                  this event won't come up again until the holidays at which time i WILL have a plan.
                  the last time i went alcohol free it was for four months, i will do better this time.
                  and when i made my first mistake i beat myself up about it, and the second time I plain gave up. this isn't going to happen this time.
                  this time i am enjoying the feeling of no alcohol in my system in the morning so much I don't want to give up.
                  i don't know if i'll say i will never drink again yet, but i hope to get there. for now... the strategy is 'get through the day'

                  dancelot... as far as taking a class here this is extremely limited.
                  however, getting myself certified to dive is a realistic option.
                  and i've found that i could sneak off to st. kitts to dive on the week-end at a reasonable price.

                  i definitely am not ready to go listen to music in a bar.
                  not yet.

                  i promise that by wednesday i will come up with something to do next week-end. there are sunset sails that leave around 6PM i believe on friday night. i won't have a date, or a friend to bring along, but i will look into it and if i can get there with no stress i will.

                  we'll have to keep an eye on each other dancelot!
                  i did fine today by the way and i made it to the gym by 4:35. this makes all the difference in the world for me. interestingly enough I didn't go to the gym wednesday/thursday or friday last week.
                  this is not an option again.


                    goin' into another week...

                    Hi, 1967-

                    Small steps is what this is all about! Eventually they add up to bigger ones. I found I had to stretch my comfort zone in tiny increments, and I remember one of my first times going out alone, sitting in my car for over an hour trying to get up the nerve to go inside. I also always left the option that I could leave if I felt the environment or situation was in any way dangerous, such as having to park in a dark alley or something. Interestingly, I always seem to find a spot nice and bright near the entrance, so I guess it's a sign to be a little braver!

                    The diving sounds fun- and right in your own backyard so to speak! The sunset sail, too. Just enjoy the beauty of the changing sky and water. Let your artist's eyes and soul open up to that. While it's definitely nice to share those moments, they really are wonderful in and of themselves.

                    Oh yeah, I don't mean to encourage anyone to go to bars for any reason if that's a trigger. I tend to be a heavy drinker at home more than when out, so yeah, know yourself!

                    Exercise is so good too. I missed a few days recently, and all this is harder without it. Do some a couple hours before going out, and I find it takes a lot of the anxiety away. Even a fairly short walk.

                    And I'll watch your back, you can watch mine! Have a wonderful sober week!

                    Much love!!! - Dance
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      goin' into another week...

                      funny coincidence about your referral to the comfort zone dance!
                      mine is my art room (doesn't include the far corners) and my 'section' of the house... and parts of the kitchen.
                      omg... when i put this in down in type i'm scaring myself!

                      and... TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY! which means... i have to squeeze in planning one fun excursion for the week-end. today i learned of more 'crap' i have to do for work on the week-end.
                      so instead of freaking i did a good part of it already. 'how about that?'
                      i'd call that some real progress.
                      i've not started the 'big' project, but i will still have wednesday and thursday night.
                      a good part of it was done last spring... at least i can put all the info together that i already have before i start new research.
                      this is the 'hiccup' part of my art job i got talked into, meaning it's not art.
                      we have new staff so i think by next year this may settle down...

                      i hope you are doing fine dance... and everyone! i don't think i thought today about drinking as i was too busy.
                      by the way i was SO glad i wasn't hung over this morning. weird how this is STILL exciting. i hope it stays exciting!!!!!!!


                        goin' into another week...

                        Hi 67! If the far corners of your art room are anything like my workshop, just wear rubber gloves! HAHA! Yeah, it it strange to see some of our own behaviours in print. Why is reading about oneself so weird when we wrote it ourselves? I have no idea, maybe the typed up version just looks more official than real life? Looks like I need to get out more as well!

                        Have fun planning your weekend. I need to go clean the shared areas of this house before my roommate gets home, then work on the shop (but how close to the edges....?).

                        Good idea on prioritizing the fun by doing the work early by the way.

                        Take care - much love! - Dance
                        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                        AUGUST 9, 2009


                          goin' into another week...

                          heya.... we have a tropical storm passing so no work tomorrow!! whoopie!!!

                          that means i need to get as much work accomplished as possible while the lights are on!

                          so i should have time tomorrow to plan something for the week-end! what a treat to have a thursday off!!

                          i am feeling good today actually. i went to the gym before coming home as i probably won't make it there tomorrow. it is weird to see some of my strange habits in writing!
                          my art room is tiddy by the way.
                          i teach in school and that rooms gets a lot of traffic.
                          home is neat too, i'm a bit of a control freak really.
                          i'm not sure how i let my drinking get so out of control.
                          it's like i feel okay as long as i am the only one who knows it.
                          anyhow, so far so good. i made it through another day!


                            goin' into another week...

                            just checked the weather channel and it doesn't look good for the week-end.
                            i definitely cannot plan anything to do on the water as we'll have high seas throughout the week-end for sure.

                            now what


                              goin' into another week...

                              1967;707509 wrote: heya.... we have a tropical storm passing so no work tomorrow!! whoopie!!!

                              that means i need to get as much work accomplished as possible while the lights are on!

                              so i should have time tomorrow to plan something for the week-end! what a treat to have a thursday off!!

                              i am feeling good today actually. i went to the gym before coming home as i probably won't make it there tomorrow. it is weird to see some of my strange habits in writing!
                              my art room is tiddy by the way.
                              i teach in school and that rooms gets a lot of traffic.
                              home is neat too, i'm a bit of a control freak really.
                              i'm not sure how i let my drinking get so out of control.
                              it's like i feel okay as long as i am the only one who knows it.
                              anyhow, so far so good. i made it through another day!
                              way to go girl and keep writing
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

