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    Its been a very long while since I have posted, but i often sit and read the threads with great interest.
    I am on day 2 AF, after many many attempts, but after a booze ridden summer its time to get a grip.
    I need to abstain, long term.
    Its that time of the day, around 4pm, the kids are fighting and moaning, tired and bored. Its my usual time to open a bottle of wine and block them out but instead i sat down and endured a game of snakes and ladders thinking all the time how nice it would be to have a glass of something. I suppose I need to learn to deal with my kids without my prop!, and I wish more than anything that I enjoyed them more. They deserve it. I am taking the supps and longing for the day to end so day 2 is over!
    Any advice on abstaining and trying to be a good mum much appreciated because I feel like a bear with a grump head! thanks!


    Hi geranium,,you sound much like me! By 4 pm I'm ready to hit the bottle and drown out a day of bickering from the kids, and get ready for my husband to get home. I have a couple of weeks AF under my belt so I'm no expert for sure. I'm taking St. John's Wort which seems to help lighten my mood a bit, so give it a try. I'm drinking tons of water in the afternoons and focusing on making nice dinners too...whatever it takes to try and get your mind off the bottle for the "witching " hours. Good for you for playing a game with them though. I'm doing this for my kids as well. I usually log on here every afternoon for inspiration. Take care and keep up the great work...we can do it!
    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..



      Thanks for that! Need to retrain the brain which is so god damn hard! School holidays are nearly over however so this time I do feel that I am in for more of a fighting chance and want to suceed so much. Put them to bed and then myself with a nice cup of hot chocolate (husband away).



        Hi Geranium, I wish I had your insight when my kids were young, but I didn't. At least you can see what your doing, and realise you have a problem. You can do this, keep logging on to MWO, you will get lots of support. I wish you well. Don't be like me and continue drinking until your kids are older, you can't put the clock back.



          geranium;706333 wrote: Its that time of the day, around 4pm, the kids are fighting and moaning, tired and bored. Its my usual time to open a bottle of wine and block them out but instead i sat down and endured a game of snakes and ladders thinking all the time how nice it would be to have a glass of something. I suppose I need to learn to deal with my kids without my prop!, and I wish more than anything that I enjoyed them more. They deserve it....
          Geranium, you deserve to give yourself a little break! Just because we love our kids, that doesn't mean that sometimes (often, even) they can drive us stark raving looney, and then we reach for anything that will help us cope. Consider the following article that discusses parenthood and unhappiness.

          Remaining puzzle #11: Why Parenthood Makes Us Unhappy | Psychology Today

          The picture alone makes me want a "Calgon moment!" At any rate, you're smart to look into some other coping mechanisms, and don't be so hard on yourself. :h
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells



            Great article, thanks so much for that. I didnt get the best parents................often lost in AL with us kids watching on!. I just dont want to be that person. Day 2 is over, off to bed now and feeling very glad another day is finished. Thankyou

