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sugar cravings!

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    sugar cravings!

    Hi, with the help of MWO I gave up alcohol completely and have been dry for three years now. It has been some time since I visited the forum. I do have another addiction though and I wonder if anyone else has this problem and how they are coping. I have substituted sweeties, chocolate, sugary treats for alcohol. and now need some help to kick this into touch. Is it appropriate to be back on this programme?

    sugar cravings!

    Hi Sophia, nice to meet you! Congratulations on THREE Years of sobriety!! Well done! I will have 2 Years of sobriety in December and I am so grateful for my sobriety!

    Sugar!! I know exactly what you are talking about ! It seems withing the past 6 months ago I have developed a serious craving for sweets and carbs! Arggg! In the past I have always prefered savory over sweets. I have also read of others here sharing this problem. I think it would be great to do some sharing about how to deal with this. Just today I saw that Dr. Oz has a 28 day plan to get off sugar.....I am going to go to the website to check it out!

    I would love to hear your story regarding alcohol and more importantly how you stopped and have remained sober! We have many members here with long term sobriety and it would be wonderful to have you on WELCOME!!! I hope you stick around!

    Warm Regards!!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      sugar cravings!

      This is a huge problem for me also.........when I am good, I am very, very good, but when I am bad..........I am found to be bingeing (yes, I admit to it`s being that bad :H) on chocolate, or banoffee cheesecake or Ben and Jerry`s Cookie Dough ice cream...........

      Overall, I eat a very healthy diet, but sometimes the sugar cravings are so strong it`s all but impossible to resist and I find the only way to `abstain` is simply not to have any sweet junk in the cupboard.........we can`t eat what we don`t buy..........THAT is the one and only way I can resist chocolate heaven.

      Star x
      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


        sugar cravings!


        Well done for three years. Yes it is appropriate to be here definitely. The site obviously helped you to be sober and now it can help with any other issues arising out of that. I cant offer wisdom on this point, only wanted to say that Deebee started a thread on it somewhere recently. Try and locate that and have a read. I know l-Glutamine is said to be good for cravings in general, you could consider that?? I guess the body is just substituting the sugar from AL in another way??

        good luck getting some helpful answers

        love moo
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          sugar cravings!

          I was never into sweets either and have heard it is a substitute for the sugar in AL. Although I'll have 6 months tomorrow, I'm already into the sugar. Either in dark chocolate or ice cream and I was never crazy about ice cream. I don't mind having the AL substitute, just don't want the pounds to come back on. So, I'll keep coming here, going to AA and the gym and hopefully the pounds will stay off and the AL will stay away.



            sugar cravings!

            Hi Sophia1, and I'd like to say how impressed I am with your three years of sobriety, so here goes.
            I am very impressed!!!
            I think that I was average when it come to consumption of sweeties; the odd bar of chocolate and some fizzy things every now and then, but recently, after nine months on the wagon, I have suddenly found myself eating loads of chocolate bars. There's a machine at work and I have to admit that one day last week I bought (and ate) ten bars through the course of one work day. Now this wouldn't bother me, but I try and look after myself and regulate what goes into my body. At the time I didn't equate it with anything to do with my stopping drinking. I just thought that I was hungry. Now this doesn't happen every day, and I'm lucky in that I burn off excess calories very quickly, but I was quite ashamed of myself for a little while.
            Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


              sugar cravings!

              goodmorning everyone, you know this is just like coming home! thank you so much for your responses, it feels selfishly good to know I am not alone. I have found the sugar thread started by DeeBee and will read my way through it after work today and hopefully find support and answeres there. Popeye maybe you need to have a look too.
              Its funny I never think of my story as being particlularly interesting, but I will tell it one day probably.
              Yes I will stick around.


                sugar cravings!

                Just want to add, I feel uplifted and excited that this is do - able now!


                  sugar cravings!

                  Hi Sophia,
                  It's nice to see you, and i'm excited that you're excited! Have a great day. Bravo!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    sugar cravings!

                    Hi Sophia and congratulations.

                    Since joining here I had 77 days unbroken without alcohol, for the last two and a half weeks I began drinking wine again but have now got myself back on track.

                    What I noticed during the 77 days was that I ate biscuits, chocolate, ice-cream (which I don't really like) as if I couldn't stop it somehow. I have never eaten much in the way of sweet things before, so I do feel there is a link for me. In my new plan I feel it is important for me avoid the sugar things as they don't make me feel good.

                    I just wanted to say that I will be following a way of eating that I did about nine years ago which had a great effect on me, it was from a book called "Rejuvenate Now" by Lesley Kenton. Another book I have found fascinating is "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty, I found it to be a real eyeopener where sugar is concerned. In time I plan to eat macrobiotically, but that's a bit too much to be committed to just now for me.
                    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                      sugar cravings!

                      TRY CHROMIUM TABLETS!

                      They work, fast. They regulate your blood sugar, stopping the peaks and troughs throughout the day. Cheap, from the chemist. You can just take them for a month, then stop, then get another bottle of them if the cravings start again. Honestly, they work - get the biggest dosage pill you can find.


                        sugar cravings!

                        Just started to read the book Potatoes not Prozac written by a woman with lots of experience working with recovering addicts especially alcoholics. It seems to be about sugar sensitivity, it is very interesting.


                          sugar cravings!

                          Just got into Alpen Low bars.........summer fruits variety is gorgeous (as are all the others).........they seem well worth the 70 calories, unless of course you do as I just did and.........devour the entire multi-pack!!!!! :H :H :H

                          Star x
                          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                            sugar cravings!

                            LAMO!! beats the hell out of a bottle or two of wine!! As for me....I am enjoying dark chocolate covered raisens tonight....yummy! It was a stressful week....and I just finished working on a proposal that had to get emailed am not being hard on myself
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              sugar cravings!

                              I've found that sour hard candies have helped me be successful in fighting sugar cravings. When I start eating sweet things, I don't stop! But the sweet/sour combo satisfies the craving without taking me overboard.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

