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48 cycles of the moon

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    48 cycles of the moon

    Four years ago today was my first day without alcohol.

    Today is a day that seems more important than my birthday.. more important than Christmas. It is absolutely the most important day of my life. Oddly enough though there is probably only one person in the world that understands the importance of this day for me, but I thought that there may be people here who may understand today for me too and so I have returned for today.

    Just like last year I've spent a while looking at some posts here. Lots of new faces and some familiar ones too. Many stories many lives. A lot of unhappiness here. (I am not pointing the finger.. I'm here too)

    I was a bit sad to see a banner on this site saying freedom from addiction as I re registered. This is not my site and I am not making a comment about making money from a site such as this but for me there is no freedom from addiction that I could buy. For me getting sober was a free thing but immensely hard work. For me, unless I do this the whole hogg the whole way all holes barred then I will go back to drinking. I continue to face issues as they arise. I reflect on them.. I meditate.. I get counselling. I talk to my trusted confidantes. It is a long story of my life that got me to drinking and it is not the absence of drinking that will keep me sober (though that helps, of course) it is dealing with me.. that inner core me, facing myself with eyes wide open faults and all.

    Thing is that I can look at myself now. Not perfect (no way).. but I am much more accepting of me. I'm less judgmental. I think some of those harsh edges (that I denied when I was drinking) have softened. It would be true to say that I want to live now.

    I will never forget where I was four years ago today.. my body and my spirit were dying and I was the murderer.. not alcohol.. that was my mechanism but I was the one that did it.. That was the day I started posting on this site. I lived on this site for a while there even though at that time most people that I knew on the site left. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But having started it I did everything I could. All those things that we talk about but dont do.. I exercised like my life depended on it (which it did) I ate right. I meditated. I got counselling. Any drinking thought was an immediate instigator to more hard internal work. The private nature of that inner work is not something that I would share on an open forum although many of us would share similar issues... of that I'm sure.

    I often wonder how people who were there at my start are now? Mish. TTFM. Atlanta. DMC. Allegra. Gina. Donna to name a few. I can only wish them the very best. It is that thought of what happened to those people that makes me post today.

    To those starting out.. or re starting out. Dont mess with this. Make your plan and get serious. Surround yourself with people who are as determined as you. Be prepared for many of them to fall on the way, but when they fall even while you feel sorry for them, make yourself stronger.. exercise.. reflect.. stay honest. You are all probably lucky I'm not on this site anymore cos I dont give pity cos pity did not get me sober. Honesty and hard work got me sober.. and some straight talking. I'm sorry to anyone I may have offended with my approach... but that was/is me. I'll never forget how hard it was to get sober. Never in my life will I delude myself that just one drink is ok. No matter what, whatever it takes.. I'll do it.

    Bit by bit I get stronger.
    I am alive.
    Best of luck to you all.
    About time too

    48 cycles of the moon

    You`re such a special individual, truly, I mean radiate hope and love and sincerity. I have learned so very much from you. I am so very much stronger today, partly thanks to yourself.

    You understand fully about total commitment to sobriety and I wholeheartedly believe that we have to want sobriety above all else. Words fail me.........I have such enormous respect for you. You make me feel very humble and that is all to the good.

    Much love,

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


      48 cycles of the moon

      Thanks Star. Hope you are going well there... sounds like it.
      Its worth the effort.. it is.


        48 cycles of the moon

        About time too, I like your no nonsense approach to sobriety. At times it may be okay to give out a little pity, but overall, we all need to learn to just do it, if we want to stay AF.
        Thanks so much for your post. I first came on MWO in 2007, so I'm not sure if you were still on then.
        Congratulations on 4 years. I just finished 6 months and it is feeling great.



          48 cycles of the moon

          About Time - Thank you for telling it like it is. I appreciate your candor. All the good intentions and wishful thinking in the world will not get or keep us sober, without total commitment and hard work. If I don't play by those rules there is no point. As Sheri points out, it is a matter of life and death, and I can choose only one.

          Congratulations on 4 years AF! I would like to see you stick around as well. Any advice from "long term" abstainers is always welcome. Thanks for your post.

          Much love!
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            48 cycles of the moon

            ABTT, Very insightful post. I too agree that there is no easy way to sobriety, no pill, no rehabs no magic bullet. The first step is to stop drinking.....then the hard work truly begins. You speak about the changes that are neccessary, the deep, personal changes in our thinking and the way that we live, that must happen if we have any hope of living a life without alcohol. It is just not enough to fight "the beast" each and every fact, at least in my case.....I find that I must focus on my life, with no room for alcohol.

            Congratulations on Four Years of sobriety.....Fantastic! May you continue to grow and have peace and happiness in your life!

            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              48 cycles of the moon

              "it is not the absence of drinking that will keep me sober (though that helps, of course) it is dealing with me.. that inner core me, facing myself with eyes wide open faults and all."

              Very true. I like this, Thank you for sharing with us on your 4 year celebration. Congratulations!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                48 cycles of the moon

                Wow ATT. Many many congratulations on your 4 year anniversary. Its wonderful and inspiring to see people posting again with such success. Also its so helpful to know that the work that we started at the beginning of our journeys must continue, there is no stopping it and becoming complacent.
                And you are so right, it is worth the effort.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  48 cycles of the moon

                  Thank you ATT,

                  it is wonderful to read such an honest and open post ... you have encapsulated most of what I try to get over too ... but I am not as expressive as you ....

                  ?We are one another's angels?
                  Sober since 29/04/2007


                    48 cycles of the moon

                    ATT ~ Thank you for the most inspirational post ~ I'll get to where you are , I just know its not going to be easy .. I hope you decide to keep posting here :l Congrats on your 4 years
                    :h Em
                    Non Drinker 9/09
                    Non Smoker 6/09
                    Tennis Anyone ?


                      48 cycles of the moon

                      Thank you for the kind words people. I'll be back again next year.


                        48 cycles of the moon

                        [QUOTE=Heavenly;748800]Thank you ATT,

                        it is wonderful to read such an honest and open post ... you have encapsulated most of what I try to get over too ... but I am not as expressive as you ....

                        I agree with heavenly and att,i find it hard to express what i really mean to say and would like to come across more expressive,,,, but i am learning,...
                        Also if we feel the need to say something to put another member on the right track,we should try and to say it with understanding and smpathy,not with a crital attitude.Tolerence is absolutely necessary in our community.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          48 cycles of the moon

                          Just at the start for the third time this year after years of heavy drinking, thanks for your words of inspiration, an example to aspire to.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

