Just for today i will be happy,most folks are as happy as they make up there minds to be.
Just for today i will adjust myself to what is,and not try to adjust everything to my own desires.I will take my luck as it comes and fit myself to it.
Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind.i will study,I will learn something useful,I will not be a mental loafer,I will read something that requires effort,thought & concentration.
Just for today i will exercise my soul in three ways;I will do somebody a good turn,and not get found out;If anybody knows of it,it will not count,I will do at least two things i dont want to do-just for exercise.I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt,they may be hurt,but today i will not show it.
Just for today I will have a programme,I may not follow it exactly,but I will have it,I will save myself from two pests;hurry & indecision
Just for today i will have a quite half hour all by myself,& relax.during this half hour,sometime,i will get a better perspective of my life
Just for today I will be unafraid,especially i will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as i give to the world,so the world will give to me...Go on, just for today