They develop the old inferiority complex and tell themselves that they are no good,that they have let down there friends here and elsewhere,that they are hopeless & that they can never make it,This state of mind is perhaps worse than it was originally intended,They have been somewhat weakened by there slip,but there experience of logging on here is not entirely lost.They always know that they can stop again if they really want to,they know that there is still great help & advice here if they will ask for it because nobody entirely escapes temptation,You must expect it and be ready for it when it comes,You must try & keep your defences up by positive thoughts,the first step toward conquering temptation always is to see it in your mind,dissociate yourself from it,put it out of your mind as soon as it appears,do not think of excuses for yielding to it,come here for help.
No announcement yet.
Sometimes people who have had a slip are ashamed of themselves-sometimes so ashamed that they fear to come back here.
They develop the old inferiority complex and tell themselves that they are no good,that they have let down there friends here and elsewhere,that they are hopeless & that they can never make it,This state of mind is perhaps worse than it was originally intended,They have been somewhat weakened by there slip,but there experience of logging on here is not entirely lost.They always know that they can stop again if they really want to,they know that there is still great help & advice here if they will ask for it because nobody entirely escapes temptation,You must expect it and be ready for it when it comes,You must try & keep your defences up by positive thoughts,the first step toward conquering temptation always is to see it in your mind,dissociate yourself from it,put it out of your mind as soon as it appears,do not think of excuses for yielding to it,come here for help.
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.Tags: None
Great post Mario, I would say to anyone reading this, who finds themselves in this position, to log on and post, you will find support here from people who really GET IT.
The other option is to keep abusing AL and yourself, and we all know it gets progressively worse.
So reach out, there will be people here who can and will help, we have all been there.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Guilt and shame, both worthless and destructive emotions! Far different from remorse and regret! I was raised in Catholic schools.....I know all about guilt and ruled my life for a long time. I used to make a joke that if I drove past a car accident, I would stop and confess!
Remorse is a more positive way of dealing with any and all mistakes that we make in life. When we make mistakes that we feel badly about, we should face up to them straight away, apologize, when needed and move on! Figure out, what caused us to make our mistake, drop the excuses and do a better job next time we are face with similar choices.
We also cannot live by "what others think of us" in fear of the lofty opinions of others, good or bad....after all......these are only "opinions" the end of the day, they truly have nothing to do with who we are!A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
A great post Mario. I have slipped in the past and got nothing but support and encouragement from all when I finally got the sense to start posting again. Being here amongst people who understand is one of the best things you can do for yourself after a slip.
One of the reasons that I post mostly in Long Term Abs and other ABS threads is because I find more people at the same point and realizations with sobriety as I have these days. Even with years of sobriety under our belt, we still need to stay "Real" and "Focused". I know, that I cannot afford a "Slip". For many of us, this is true. Not because we are afraid of what others might think, but because a return to alcohol would cost us our lives and our very sanity.
With that being said....I do not believe that the term...."Slipping" true. I think it is an easy way for us to drink again. We do not "Slip"....we "Choose to Drink". It begins with thoughts of drinking....that sometimes lasts for an hour and other times for days....then, low and behold.....we go to the liquor store and buy a bottle.....then we drink said bottle! This is not an accident.....a "slip".
If one does decide to drink....they certainly should try to get back on track and by all means come back here for support. But, support comes in many forms.....I know, the best support for me has always been honesty.....and the true honestly of alcoholism is that We Cannot Drink!A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Hi All
""Come here for help"" Mario well said. I did many, many times at the start of my recovery. The support here was a big reason for getting al out of my life.
I can say I will never slip. If I have a drink it will be with full knowledge that I will be getting drunk. I never had a drink I always had many.Someone said that the difference between those starting recovery and those with some time in recovery is one drink and that is the truth.I pray I never take that "one drink" that is always a possibility but not a slip. It won't be an accident because I know what will be coming. The only thing I won't know is for how long I will be back in Hell.
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08
AMEN! Caysea.....there is no such thing as "One Drink" for me......actually, I do not think from day one....I ever actually had only one drink!
caysea;756256 wrote: Hi All
""Come here for help"" Mario well said. I did many, many times at the start of my recovery. The support here was a big reason for getting al out of my life.
I can say I will never slip. If I have a drink it will be with full knowledge that I will be getting drunk. I never had a drink I always had many.Someone said that the difference between those starting recovery and those with some time in recovery is one drink and that is the truth.I pray I never take that "one drink" that is always a possibility but not a slip. It won't be an accident because I know what will be coming. The only thing I won't know is for how long I will be back in Hell.
Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
AF 5-16-08A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
It is true that we have to think about taking a drink before we actually take one,The thought always comes before the act,and yet the thoughts that come before taking a drink are often largely subconscious,people usually dont know consciously what made them do it,Therefore the common practice in a lot of alcohol forums/communities is to call these things slips,for instance,some of us dream about being drunk when we are asleep,even after several years of sobriety,during our drinking days,our subconscious minds have been thoroughly conditioned by our alcoholic ways of thinking and it is doubtful if they ever become entirely free of such thoughts during our lifetime,But when our conscious minds are fully conditioned against drinking we can stay sober & our subconscious minds do not bother us. impo
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.
Mario....I was not implying that subconcious or passing thoughts of drinking, ever completely go away. Still to this day.....I have them on occasion. However, from the point that one has an subconcious thought or a dream.....there is a point where the thinking becomes quite concious. This is were we need to use our our "Thinking" brains and the tools that we have learned to move past the urge to drink. believe that taking the first drink is something done in an unconcious state, without our full and complete compliance, is to believe that taking that first drink is not our fault.....and therefore, we are not responsible. This leaves the door open to allowing us to have "slip ups".....A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Sheri....who is confused? Debate is healthy. We are so often talking about "differing points of view"...... and difference experience. Some alcoholics, even with a few months sober, like to have their "Ears Tickled"....still caught up in the disease....they like to hear the choice to drink in "more gentle words". Yes, some can "slip" and come back and "slip" again...and even binge and come back....sadly other's never make it back. Many never make it out to some real time without alcohol at all. We can blame everything in the world as to our "reasons" for drinking....but.....the choice is always up to each one of us.
I am comitted to the truth of this disease. No cute phrases for drinking. No fuzzy good feeling for drinking. I believe that we have to face the true reality of the progressive and tricky nature of alcoholism if we have a chance of beating it!A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Sheri, I don't know if it's myself or Kate you have decided to hold accountable for ''slipping'' ... my blog is how I feel and each of us is entitled to state how we feel about terminology .... this is how long, long term abstainers feel ....?We are one another's angels?
Sober since 29/04/2007