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Doing ABS - could use help

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    Doing ABS - could use help

    Hey. I'm closing in on 7 months. I'm not very happy though. I can't say I miss alcohol at all. But, I do struggle with anxiety and depression. I started taking Zoloft almost 2 months ago. 50 milligrams. It seemed to start working after a couple weeks. I had relief for a few days, and then back to the anxiety. I moved up to 75, then to 100mg. I'm getting very frustrated. I'm afraid my problems are so deep that it goes beyond just a chemical imbalance. I try to be positive, but I find it very, very difficult to do that. I have everything i need in life, yet I struggle to get out of bed all the time. I have no interest in anything anymore. I've thought about starting CBT, but I don't even want to put the effort into it. I guess if I don't feel like putting in effort, I shouldn't be here bitching either. I'm just hoping that the very process of jotting down these words will get me moving in the right direction. I have always gotten some good advice here in the past.
    where does this go?

    Doing ABS - could use help

    Hi Morrison,

    Nice to meet you in chat last night and sorry we didn't get a chance to talk. First off, great job on the 7 months AF! I just wanted to stop by and say that if you are feeling like you can't get out of bed and have lost pleasure in life, it makes perfect sense that CBT would be hard to get motivated for. It is hard to do anything when even squeezing the toothpaste from the tube feels like an effort, isn't it? From your brief description, it sounds like you are experiencing symptoms of clinical depression still or maybe these symptoms are caused by a physical health problem. Have you had bloodwork and a physical lately? Can you talk with your healthcare provider who prescribed the Zoloft? If it wasn't a psychiatrist, that might be another route too. It is fairly common for general practitioners to prescribe medication now and we don't always prioritize getting support from a specialist.

    I hope you find some relief soon!


      Doing ABS - could use help

      Hi Morrison...great seeing you. I am so proud of you for not giving in to alcohol even though you are going through a rough time! You are soright, alcohol is not the answer. Perhaps you need a different medication....perhaps seeing a specilist that deals with anxiety and depression. I know that Lodestar works in the healthycare field and she gave you some really good ideas a well.

      Don't give up, I am sure there are answers for you. Stay close, please stop in and chat. You are so wll loved and respected here...please keep in touch!

      XXX Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Doing ABS - could use help

        Thanks lodestar and Kate. Good advice on the specialist. Yes, I do see a shrink, and I get the feeling he is losing his patience with me. I know I am. I don't blame him though. I was never staying sober long enough for anything. I have had blood work done recently. I get it done at least once a year and everything comes up aces. I always hope they find something. Sad, but true. I would rather this be a physical issue with me. In a sense, it is. I feel like shit physically. We've tried a bunch of different meds over the years. Lots of different diagnosis too. He thought I was bipolar because I would always be in different moods, but I blamed that on the booze. Anyway, we tried meds for that, and depression, and anxiety. Maybe the CBT will help, but I don't know about this physical sensation I deal with. It's probably a side effect right now, but if I don't take anything, I'm too anxious to even go to work. I don't know. I'm going to see if there is a specialist that deals just with anxiety and maybe start from scratch. Thanks again.
        where does this go?


          Doing ABS - could use help

          Hi again, Morrison,

          If your shrink is losing patience, wrong shrink. Plain and simple. I have a theory on psychiatrists, based on loads of professional and personal experience. If you are making an effort in your own mental health (by showing up at appointments, explaining your symptoms, and even trying to temper habits that may work against you, etc.) and you don't walk out feeling more hopeful than when you went in, the shrink isn't doing his/her job. I hate to sound harsh toward your doc, but too many do not take a holistic AND healing approach to mental health. Get someone who knows addiction and anxiety -- there is a relationship between the two -- and you don't have to live with crippling anxiety. There is help for that too (trust me on this).

          Don't stop taking your medication, seek out another psychiatrist (interview them...I like to ask about their philosophy and approach to treatment), and when you find one go prepared. I know you don't feel like doing much right now, so I'm making a little list below of things you might consider making some brief notes about before you go:

          1. What medications have you tried, for how long (and when), what were the dosages, what did you notice (side effects, mood changes, etc.)

          2. How do you currently feel/symptoms (e.g., sleep, appetite, energy, concentration, libido, social stuff, the anxiety stuff you mentioned, etc.)

          3. How is your diet (I'm wondering if you do you get enough protein, as there is a link between amino acids and anxiety. I take L-Theanine for calming and clarity...very helpful...recommended by my doc and avail at health food stores. Also, if you don't get enough protein you can get complete amino acid drops to put on food)

          One last thought, have you ever tried acupuncture for the anxiety? Sorry to bombard you with stuff, but I know there is a way out from under this.

          Keep the faith!


            Doing ABS - could use help

            Morrison, I understand how you feel, I have had trouble with anxiety/depression too. I found once I stopped drinking I needed either Lexapro and or a LOT of exercise. I run, walk or ride a bike daily. If I didn't do those things I know I would still be drinking or in a pretty bad state mentally. Good luck to you. You have been a source of inspiration to me over the last couple years :-) I wish you peace.
            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              Doing ABS - could use help

              hi and welcome morrison, well done on 7 months alcohol free,
              i think lodestar has covered most of it,try and keep the positive thoughts coming.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Doing ABS - could use help

                Good morning all..

                What is ABS and CBT.

                Thanks, DLA
                Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                Sir Walter Scott


                  Doing ABS - could use help

                  DLA, I'm guessing ABS is abstinance and CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy.

                  Morrison, 7 months is the bomb!! It sure as hell ought to be joyful at least sometimes. I agree with lodestar. Wrong shrink. I went to one for a bit during spouse's horrific lawsuit and drugs were recommended. He never listened to us. He told the same damn story about his father while we poked each other on the couch. We finally refused to go any longer because we felt like a cow in the milking line. Along the lines of OMW's comment, do you exercise? It does work wonders for depression and anxiety. :l
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Doing ABS - could use help

                    morrison you could also start reading again all the posts in this thread, there are some great ones which have helped me along my path.
                    keep in touch and let us know how your getting on.:-)

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Doing ABS - could use help

                      Hi Morrison. I just wanted to say congratulations on 7 sober months, especially considering what you are going through. I can't help with suggestions on the anxiety and depression but want to give you huge applause on seeking a solution rather than relying on old habits and diving into the bottle, which is never the answer and just holds us back in the same old ruts.

                      I wish you well my fellow traveler..

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Doing ABS - could use help

                        MORRISON, OMG....IT MADE MY DAY THE BESTEST THIS MORNING JUST SEEING YOU HERE! You have been sooooo missed my man! OK, you won't believe this, BUT, the last pharmaceutical/alternative health CE we went to in Houston last month, had a similar case study!!! Male subject, lifelong history of depression and anxiety, tried everything, tired, tired, and more tired, which exacerbated the depression and anxiety.....history of alcohol and drug abuse, they did a saliva test on him.....almost zero levels of testosterone, and a big def. in zinc...zinc helps assimilate the antidepressants, and his adrenal glands were shot from years of drinking and the toll on his system to keep going, while continuing to drink!!!!! They started him on adrenal replacements and vits specific for adrenal fatigue, and gave him testosterone cream, he is off all antidepressants after 18 mos., and felt "normal" after 4 mos! You can go to Dr. James Wilson's adrenal fatigue website, we take his supplements and know him personally. Also, we can send you the saliva kit, and they will fax us the results! I really think this is something that you'd greatly benefit from! Love you, you have my e-mail if you need me to send you anything!
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          Doing ABS - could use help

                          morrison :l

                          I`m so happy to hear that you`ve been sober for some time. Very well done.

                          I can understand a little of where you`re coming from.........

                          Just.........don`t be so hard on yourself all the offence, but I think you were extremely hard on yourself in the past. You`re a good guy........never lose sight of that.

                          Hard as it may be, I think you must try to hold dear the belief that life will improve for you. I think the best thing for you at this time is to drag yourself along to that CBT, nomatter how despondent you may be feeling.

                          There are people here who genuinely care about how you`s lovely to see you posting.

                          I`ll be saying a special wee prayer for you. People can and do recover from psychological illnesses, morisson.........I know, so much so that I now believe in miracles. Trust me...........I truly know.

                          Star x
                          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                            Doing ABS - could use help

                            Hi Dave,
                            I am sorry to hear of your rough patch. I totally know how you feel, and had a bad bout with depression about 2 years ago. Right now I am really grieving for my dad, but that is another story. I guess I don't have any good advice for you, other than to come here and post and chat. Don't hide in the hole, which is so easy to do when we are feeling low.

                            Feel free to PM me or call anytime. I think you also have my home email; if you don't, let me know and I will send it to you.

                            Take good care. There IS a way out.



                              Doing ABS - could use help

                              hamburger head you are loved by many here

