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Doing ABS - could use help

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    Doing ABS - could use help

    Hi there, it is really difficult to stick your head above the wall sometimes when all you want to do is hide and sleep, sometimes the sleep you crave is also difficult and leaves you with racing thoughts ..... and only alcohol feels like it can work, don't give in now you have reached 7 months.

    Try and stick it out, yes, change doctors if you can and try the cbt it may be just what helps you. Certainly trying different medications can help although sometimes it feels like a long progress, but look back at how fast the last 7 months has gone .....

    You mentioned bi-polar but what about cyclothymia, it is the milder form and you may fit into those symptoms. Don't give up, as with a physical illness the first treatments don't always work and need constant reviews.....

    Good luck
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007


      Doing ABS - could use help

      Thank you everyone. I think with all the advice and suggestions in this thread, I will figure out what my problem is. I've just been telling myself to be patient, and forcing myself to do things here and there even when I don't want to.

      I'm very thankful for the support I found here. :h
      where does this go?


        Doing ABS - could use help

        [QUOTE=morrison;760977]Hey. I have everything i need in life, yet I struggle to get out of bed all the time. I have no interest in anything anymore. I've thought about starting CBT, but I don't even want to put the effort into it. I guess if I don't feel like putting in effort, I shouldn't be here bitching either.
        Morrison, I am really sorry that you are going through a rough time. Anxiety & Depression is very diificult to deal with but it is important that you fight it, otherwise it controls you rather than you controlling it. I beieve that CBT would be very helpful for you and yes you have to put the effort in if you want results. Make yourself do one thing every day that you dont like doing, in other words try and turn the negatives into positives. Not easy, kind of climbing Everest right now for you, but you can do it. We are all cheering u on:l

