Thinking back, I can't reallly believe what a hold drink had over me. I knew I had to give up (after a number of seizures and blackouts) but I couldn't imagine life without AL. It had become like a friend to me, and I didn't want to let go.
But I did it! And I've begun to realise that the peace and tramquility I thought drink give me was really only an illusion; around me my life was getting more and more chaotic. I couldn't go back to work in the state I was in, and I was just getting worse; drinking all day every day.
Eventuallly I realised that I had to do something. I went into a rehab centre, which got me clean and I began to get my thinking back together. I started going to AA meetings.
You guys at MWO have really helped me; it's been great to know I'm not alone, and to be able to share in your advice and experience.:thanks:
I'm starting to feel more self-confident as well (although this has taken time, as I've always had a problem with not feeling as good as other people). Now people know it's me talking rather than the drink!
I know I'm only a drink away from trouble, so I'll just keep taking it a day at a time.
Take care,