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Happy and Content Sober Living

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    Happy and Content Sober Living

    What a brilliant 'bump'!!! I remember this thread first time round --- very early days of trying to get sober - and I didn't 'get' the concept of life being better. I struggled with what I have in my 'signature' for a very long time - contented sobriety. Early days this time round - but the different 'eyes' I read all those older posts from wise old heads - it just feels wonderful.
    Today --- and I can only EVER talk for today ---- I love being sober, I love being who and what I truly am - not some sort of an automaton driven and ruled by drink - if I feel happy - it's ME that's happy - and equally if I'm sad/lonely/depressed --- it's ME - and I know that 'ME' can deal with that, because everything I'm feeling is real - not medication/booze induced - and that feels just bloody BRILLIANT!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Happy and Content Sober Living

      Thanks for bumping this hidden treasure! I chuckled out loud about, when were any of us ever satisfied with just one drink? Not me! Set my mind straight! Early days still here. My emotions seem to flop all over the place, which I know is normal. But at least they are real.

      I'm enjoying reading books again, sunshine, gardening, walking, food. My attitude for gratitude is much more present. Just some simple things that I'd lost in the dark abyss of alcohol. More to come with time.

      AF 3/18/12


        Happy and Content Sober Living

        Great post and bump.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Happy and Content Sober Living

          I needed this post tonight

          I need the inspiration and wisdom of long term sober people. Hopefully in a year, i will be posting my own thoughts about being completely AF.


            Happy and Content Sober Living

            Daya, You Can do this too! Remember WE ALL START With Day ONE!

            When I arrived at MWO, I never dreamed that I could or would go 30 days without AL, let alone be Happilly Living in Sobriety for over 4 years. But, here I am and there are many others here doing the same!

            Best Wishes to YOU!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Happy and Content Sober Living

              yes I'm here too reading & absorbing whatever I can from you longterm abstainers. I've just come back to MWO...Day 23 and I've been feeling great, so positive, so determined and so committed this last time. Which is why I cant understand why I'm feeling so very down today...I really dont know why. But, when I stopped to think abt things....and examine my feelings, I realised that, like Molly said least its ME and okay I mght be feeling really down..but at least the feelings are real. I know they'll pass. One thing's for sure they will not get lost at the bottom of a glass. Thanks for inspiring me.
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Happy and Content Sober Living

                A shift

                Well , this is day 4, and there has been a strange shift. I'm not sure if its because i realized once and for all I cannot continue the same way, or the hypnosis CD's I have been listening to, but the urge to drink seems to have gone?

                I actually tested the theory last night(silly I know) poured a glass of wine, and a glass of water, and i actually forgot the wine was there. I had a sip, and I didn't like it at all. It took me 2 hours to drink it, and in the end, it was almost like I was forcing myself.

                I have decided not to test the theory anymore though. Another thing thing that seems to have gone, is the mental preoccupation with comes up a bit at the witching hour, but i pour a water, or have a herbal tea.

                I am feeling happy, motivated, non fearful, and very grateful not to be battling this beast. This shift is early days yet, so I will be vigilant, but so far I am happy with it.

                I really think taking your mind of the obsession with drinking helps....


                  Happy and Content Sober Living

                  Daya, it's great that you are feeling a 'shift'. Make the most of it while you do; build a sober life with any opportunity you get. Do something different - go somewhere you don't normally go. Plan a night to look forward to - maybe a play or a concert. Is there an old hobby that has fallen by the wayside? Would you like to learn an instrument? Baby steps....but take one each time you feel you'll eventually all come together
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Happy and Content Sober Living

                    Hi daisy...its a strange shift, I'm sure its the hypnosis Cds(I used to work as a hypnotherapist, eons ago I'm just not thinking about booze, at all. It was my partners birthday today, and i bought him and our crew cake and beers, i was hanging for a coffee with the cake.

                    Then we had people over for dinner, one of them poured me a red wine , i thought this will be interesting, took 2 sips, and didn't like the taste. The glass with it is still full on the table.

                    The Cd,s i got have lots of different suggestions, and the one i played over and over again said, when you get the thought, or urge for alcohol, immediately a stronger urge for a cool, clear, refreshing glass of water will arise. It really has!!!!! it also goes on to say, that if you do drink, the minute you feel that slightly intoxicated feeling arise, you will again have the urge to drink water, and to stop drinking alcohol immediately. i dont know about that, as i havnt been drunk, or slightly tipsy since Monday.

                    I think the biggest thing is, I don't seem to have that fear of what i will do there anymore.....It seems like a sort of miracle to me.

                    So i haven't had to distract myself so much, I am moving houses next week, and packing, which is keeping me very busy!!!!


                      Happy and Content Sober Living

                      I would really love to see more of the longtermers here adding there thoughts to this thread because it's things like this that I find the most motivating of all. Sure the bad stuff scares me but it's the good stuff that actually motivates me. Thanks to all who've shared and to whoever bumped this in the first place. :goodjob:


                        Happy and Content Sober Living



                          Happy and Content Sober Living

                          I don't read this forum as much as I use too, but since I'm over four years without a drop thought I'd say hello. Through my sobriety I've learned many things. One of which is what a big scam alcohol is, & how it pervades our society. I've learned more about myself, I discovered I'm introverted. So just being alone, or staying at home with my family is what truly gives me peace. I was finally, after 43 years, able to live life on my terms, because I now understood what those terms actually were. I'm looking after my health better, getting out on my bike regularly. Cycling alone, something I use to enjoy so much as a kid. I don't feel angry or scared as I use to. It helped my career as well as my new found courage, in otherwise hard times, got my family & I into a much better place than before. Last, but not least, it's made me a better parent too I needed to set a healthy example for my sons.

                          Doing that first month was the hardest, then doing the next couple. Wanted to celebrate my achievement with a drink, but I got through that. Had dreams of alcohol, subconsious playing nasty ticks on me. Over time I redefined myself as a non drinker. When I first visited this forum I was very impressed reading about the long term abstainers. They inspired me to keep going to find how it could be for me in future. Without their stories & those of others, I wouldn't have got where I am today. So thanks to all of you.


                            Happy and Content Sober Living

                            That Is Excellent Prodigal Son!.... A Big Congrats On Your 4 yrs Of Living An AL Free Life!

                            I too read this forum! It's where I often find "Pearls Of Wisdom".

                            I also enjoy being alone & spending time with my family more than anything!.... However, I also have been told over & over through the years that it's very important for many of us to stay connected & to not isolate. I sometimes forget about that & am thankful there are folks here that remind me, as I can tend to not reach out, or spend to much time alone. But what ever works to keep one off the poison & live a healthy & reasonably happy life!....

                            Wishing You Continued Success In Your AF Journey & Life!


                              Happy and Content Sober Living


                                Happy and Content Sober Living

                                I came across this thread today, and think it deserves a bump. The posts, some of them from 2009, give me warm goosies. I'm really strengthend by success stories from long-term, happy, sober people. :happyheart:

