Well, we already have the infrastructure here to have two Absvilles. It is built right in. The only thing is we aren’t using this forum to have daily posts. Why not? Maybe until recently there weren’t very many people who had come to the conclusion that they couldn’t (or didn’t want) to ever drink again? I know many people start out MWO thinking they are going to do mods and end up deciding on abs. Some, like me, are just too addled in the brain to know what they are doing in the beginning and eventually figure it out.
I have had a couple of false starts, as you know. But my goal IS long term sobriety. I know I can’t drink. And I really want to have a forum with like-minded people. I’m not saying that I don’t get a lot from the other Absville: I do. But I can see where I would benefit from this forum and regular communications with people whose goal is long-term sobriety, as opposed to a month, or just dabbling with it, or contemplating it. I’m in this for the long haul; I have to be. For me, it’s a life-or-death proposition.
That’s why I jumped over here to start a post. What do you guys think about having a daily post here, like we do in the other forum? I’m not trying to steal people away from Absville 1, but anyone whose goal is long term sobriety is welcome to come over here and post as well. We can go back and forth as much as we want. All we would ask is that those whose goal is *not* long term sobriety just read, not post. If they make that decision, then we welcome them with open arms.
Any of us here may slip just like anyone else. And if we do I know the love and support will be here. But the thing is we all know we are doing our utmost to prevent that from happening – we don’t keep drinking or mods in the back of our mind as an option. We know it’s not an option because otherwise we wouldn’t be here.
I love all the folks who are just trying to figure out what they are doing – it wasn’t so long ago that I was there. And I love those who are thinking they’ll do 30 days abs and move on to mods – more power to them, I hope they can. But I also love those of you who have decided you can’t drink ever again – you are just like me. And I understand why you say you don’t come around because it endangers your sobriety. I hate to see that happen, and I think this *can* be a safe haven right here.
What do you think? Shall we give it a go, and do a daily post in this forum too?