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Is your drinking just a habit ?

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    Is your drinking just a habit ?

    Although it may seem like ?just a habit?, you are making a choice to have a drink each and every time. That choice involves many components ? your beliefs about alcohol and yourself, your thoughts (your inner dialogue), your feelings and your behaviour.

    Your wish to not drink so much (because you can recognize the negative consequences) will translate into action depending on your motivations. Partly you are motivated to have a drink because its pleasurable, it helps you relax etc, and at the same time you?re motivated not to drink because you know about all those negative consequences. So you?re in a dilemma. The strength of your different motivations will determine how easy you find it to choose not to have a drink.

    Lets take an example to illustrate this ? there is something happening at work which you find very stressful, so you get home feeling frustrated and edgy. You believe the stress at work is not going away soon, and perhaps you also blame yourself for some aspect of the situation. You have a belief that you can?t handle this stress well naturally, and you believe that alcohol removes it very effectively. So you want a drink. But of course you know you shouldn?t, because you?ll be hungover again tomorrow, and that will leave you feeling worse. So your inner dialogue, your thoughts, might be something like ? ?well I haven?t had a drink for a couple of days, so I deserve it.? or ? ?I just don?t want to feel stressed like this, I want this feeling to stop NOW?.

    However, emotional pain and difficult feelings are a part of life, there?s no escaping them, but alcohol deals with them so effectively, that its easy to develop a reliance on it to take away all your painful feelings. In order to cut down or stop drinking therefore, you have to accept that painful feelings must be dealt with sober, just as you are. You can deal with life, but you are choosing not to experience discomfort, because it can so easily be tranquillised with alcohol.

    Its a common thing to drink because you feel ?I can?t cope? ? but what does that actually mean? Whatever is happening in our lives, however painful it is ? we get through it, we survive, and that is coping. So the belief that we can?t cope makes us give up trying, give up hope. And again, alcohol is there to take away that hopeless feeling, to take us to that dream-world where things are fluffy and safe.

    To get through life being generally sober, we have to accept that painful feelings can be handled naturally. Not rubbed out, but acknowledged, truly felt. You?re stressed? So see how it feels for it to just subside naturally with time. You feel bored? So just sit with that and examine what it really means to you. What could you actually do to remedy that feeling? Again, explore it and see what needs or thoughts are associated with the feeling. Then you might realise a different solution or two, whatever they might be.

    Or perhaps you just don?t think you?re a particularly valuable person? Any mistake, any difficult situation can be attributed to your own failure or lack of some quality. Again, alcohol makes you feel good about yourself, temporarily anyway. And then it bites back with a vengeance. So to an extent, the solution might also be about healing that relationship with yourself. Your beliefs about yourself can often be a sort of self-constructed fiction. That constant inner commentator is so detached from the world, in many ways. So you may believe yourself to be inadequate because that?s how you?ve been affected by life, but of course its a subjective opinion, its not a fact, just a viewpoint.

    The point here is to make yourself aware of the various elements that make up your drinking habits, then you can try to solve each part, rather than just relying on will power to not drink, which as you?ve probably discovered by now, isn?t that effective.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

    Is your drinking just a habit ?

    Hi Mario, came across this while looking for "list of things to do instead of drinking" I cannot for the life of me figure out how to find things again on here! Your words really struck a chord, I keep reading over and over, thank you! Got pen and paper and I am ready to write my plan.
    When the witching hour comes I'm ready! This all sounds great this time in the morning as usual but I just know your post is going to help me.


      Is your drinking just a habit ?

      interesting theory mario,sober years vs drunk years, you did say it earlier,tranquiliser ? is it,or just a bad habit,i beleive reading the people here and the progress theyve made,is so rewarding,and think it comes from such a small amount of enerrgy,xpressing ones feelings,thnx mario,


        Is your drinking just a habit ?

        great post mario, I think for me as the habit gets more frequent,its not a habit anymore but an addiction ?,since i came here i have got some control back but its a battle everytime,have to copy this one out.


          Is your drinking just a habit ?

          Yep, like smoking, we had to learn how to do it. good post.


            Is your drinking just a habit ?

            That was an awesome post, thank you.
            The words "I can not cope anymore" going through my head about 4-5pm are what leads to the hangover the next day.
            Will try your suggestions to turn the feelings around


              Is your drinking just a habit ?

              Yes, awesome post Mario.. thank for sharing, inspiring and motivating us~! Interesting thoughts on dealing with the "habit". Like gertrude mcfuzz, I find that bewitching hour of 5PM, driving home past the grocery store an enourmous craving inducing moment and you are right, willpower has failed me time and time again... I will put your post to use and try your suggestions.. thank you =0)



                Is your drinking just a habit ?

                Mario......great post!
                I know I've had to change the way I looked at my drinking in order to quit.

                I felt I had no control. I've been in a very stressful situation for years. I drank for courage (fake) and to relieve stress. As we all know, the next day the stress is so much worse than before the drinking started.

                I also have begun to realize, my drinking took the focus off the problem I drank over. I couldn't face the problem causing the stress, but if I drank, then we could focus on me being bad!

                I've been AF for 22 days now. I'm sober long enough to begin to see what I was drinking to avoid. The stress level is really high. But..I'm not drinking this away. What is causing my stress and unhappiness is going to seem so much worse after a few drinks, and then of course the horrible remorse after drinking , I'll have to live through.

                I know with more time AF my opinion of myself is going to continue to improve as will my decisions about my life. I'm just tired of punishing myself and making my life and yes those who love me, a hell. Those who don't, I am finding I can hold my own better. I've had several family things come up that I have refused to be a victim of.

                It's felt good, at least something does.

