Hi Mario, and everyone,
At just 18 months sober, i am strong, commited, focused, and loving my new life, and the new me, but i'm definately not out of the wood's just yet.
For me, my THINKING, and what i do with my time is crucial. I alway's try to remember where i've come from, and how wasteful my life used to be. I still get occassional thought like your's too, Wine free, i.e. can i drink again, i wonder? So you're not alone there. But i know for today, for the here and now, not drinking for me is the way. I look at the huge change in me since being sober 24/7, and i can't argue. The evidence is irrefutable. There are absolutely no negatives in being sober. And for today at least, i know this is my true path. Our thinking and mind set/headspace is very, very important, and we must work on it to maintain it.
Best wishes all!