I kept meaning to come back and post about being sober for a longer time when I got to 3 years ... that just passed on 29th April this year. Sooo I guess I must be 3years and 1 month. I don't even keep track of the months anymore. Just the once a year I add my year on and smile. Things are different for me now, some good, some bad. That's life. Shit still happens, just that I don't reach for the bottle any more .....

I suppose I don't tend to think about drinking or staying sober so much, and coming here made me think about alcohol every time I did.
I even neglect my blog because of not thinking about alcohol ..... strange but true. I just don't think about it any more like I once did.
I won't come and say how spiritual I feel or how much I have grown ... I just don't think in that way.

I am coming to say don't give up giving up. Keep trying and you will succeed, I did.
(And yes I am still the bolshy, outspoken .tell you as it is Heavenly !!!:H )