1 The nice person tends to create an atmosphere such that others avoid giving honest, genuine feedback, This blocks emotional growth.
2 Nice behaviour will ultimately be distrusted by others, that is,it generates a sense of uncertainty and lack of safety in others who can never be sure if they be supported by the nice person in a crisis situation that requires an aggressive confrontation with others.
3 Nice people stifle growth of others, They avoid giving others genuine feedback,and deprive others of a real person to assert against,This tends to force others in the relationship to turn there aggression against themselves, It also tends to generate guilt and depressed feelings in others who are intimately involved and dependent on them.
4 Because of chronic niceness others can never be certain if the relationship with a nice person can endure a conflict or sustain an angry confrontation, If it did occur spontaneously, This places great limits on the potential extent of intimacy in the relationship by placing others constantly on there guard.
5 Nice behaviour is not reliable, Periodically the nice person explodes in unexpected rage and those involved are shocked and unprepared to cope with it.
6 The nice person by holding aggression in, may pay a physiological price in the form of psychosomatic problems and a psychological price in the form of alienation.
7 Nice behaviour is emotionally unreal behaviour, It puts server limitations on all relationships and the ultimate victim is the nice person him/her self.