Question for you...!
I've been thinking a lot about all the posts on how being long term AF means much more than just not drinking. Now at 70+ days AF, I feel I am sliding into some sort of limbo. The early euphoria of quitting has gone and I am....well, I don't really know...
I consider myself very lucky that I haven't had to drastically change anything to become sober. My friends and family are extremely supportive. I was more of a 'drink at home on my own' type than hanging out in bars. I have found that I really quite like myself now that I don't drink anymore

I guess I am feeling uncertain about how to keep this process going in a positive way. When you (long term abbers) say you had to change your mindset for the long term, what does that mean to you? How does it manifest? Did you actively do something or did you later reflect and realize that a mental, emotional and spiritual shift had taken place?
Last night I was invited to a party of some people that I don't know very well but I think they party hard. I didn't end up going but I was thinking about how it would be to tell them that I don't drink. I told all my close friends and family when I quit but I haven't been in a situation with acquaintances and having to explain my choice. Something about that feels more 'final' and committed; as in hanging out with people who you have never drunk with versus people you have who know what it does to you and therefore understand why you're not doing it anymore.
Not sure if that makes sense but I'd be grateful for any comments on my ponderings from all you who've already walked the walk!
Have a wonderful AF weekend.