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Howdy Ya'll

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    Howdy Ya'll

    It's been over 2 years since I drank any of my poison!!!!! WOO HOO

    It has actually gotten easier as the days, weeks, months passed. I stopped because of health reasons. I thought I was gonna die, really. My issues are with my stomach, but I thought it was so much more and I am so thankful it wasn't. That was the scare I needed to stop totally.

    I know I can't even have one drink because one will not be enough. I am so proud that today someone called to ask if we had any run for a recipie they were doing. We didn't have any in the house. Back in the day when I did have the rum, I would have never admited I had any because I was a closet binge drinker. I also wouldn't have ever loaned any of my good stuff to anyone. What if I ran out? It just reminded me of how far I am come and it all started out reading post on this website. I didn't stay sober on my first try or my 2nd or even my third. This is the longest I have gone without drinking since I took my first sip. I am really proud of myself, but I know I am just one drink away from going back to the binge drinker I used to be. So I don't go to liquor stores. I don't buy that first bottle.

    Is it easy now not to drink? Well, yeah it kinda is. I like that! I hope each of you have days where you can look back and say it's getting easier to stay AF!!!!
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

    Howdy Ya'll

    Over two years! :goodjob:

    I am currently on 12 months, I hear what you mean about it getting easier, thinking about it does not occupy as much time in your head anymore - but it would be easy to get complacent so not forgetting the bingey past helps :H

    Has it all been good for you April? Have you been happy? I do not think of AL these days much but it hasn't all been a picnic either!
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.


      Howdy Ya'll

      Wonderful post!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Howdy Ya'll

        aprilmoon;1214729 wrote: It's been over 2 years since I drank any of my poison!!!!! WOO HOO

        It has actually gotten easier as the days, weeks, months passed. I stopped because of health reasons. I thought I was gonna die, really. My issues are with my stomach, but I thought it was so much more and I am so thankful it wasn't. That was the scare I needed to stop totally.

        I know I can't even have one drink because one will not be enough. I am so proud that today someone called to ask if we had any run for a recipie they were doing. We didn't have any in the house. Back in the day when I did have the rum, I would have never admited I had any because I was a closet binge drinker. I also wouldn't have ever loaned any of my good stuff to anyone. What if I ran out? It just reminded me of how far I am come and it all started out reading post on this website. I didn't stay sober on my first try or my 2nd or even my third. This is the longest I have gone without drinking since I took my first sip. I am really proud of myself, but I know I am just one drink away from going back to the binge drinker I used to be. So I don't go to liquor stores. I don't buy that first bottle.

        Is it easy now not to drink? Well, yeah it kinda is. I like that! I hope each of you have days where you can look back and say it's getting easier to stay AF!!!!
        Lovely to hear from you aprilmoon and well done on 2 years alcohol free and you should be rightly proud of yourself :goodjob:

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Howdy Ya'll

          Great posts, thank you.


            Howdy Ya'll

            It really has been easy, at least the last year has been easy. I don't want to disapoint my husband anymore. I don't want to have that day after drinking regret that I used to have. Both of these make it easy for me now to not drink.

            My husband is a 12 pack a year drinker. I hate that about him. LOL It used to be hard to see him drink his one beer a month thinking I could do that. Oh no I can't!!!! He got a 12 pack of Mike's Hard Lemonaid and drank them within a month or so. Because Rum is my poison, it didn't bother me at all. He even asked me to pick him some up at the store when I went. I did and I never touched a bottle. I did tell him that I could not ever go to a liquor store for him. He said he understood that and would never ask me to go in one for him.

            I can say that my mind isn't consummed with drinking at all anymore. Recently my BIL moved in with us. I told him about my issues with drinking. He was shocked at first. I told him it was okay if he drank. I just asked him to never bring Rum into the house. He said he didn't like the stuff. I'm not saying I would drink it, but I just can't risk my 2 years on having someone else bring Rum into my house.

            Life is really good on this side of drinking. It really is. I know there are so many who are on this website who were just like me and all I want to say is it can get better. You have to want it bad enough. I wanted it for years and years before I got to this point. Life isn't always fair, but I don't run out and get a bottle when stuff gets tough!!!!
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              Howdy Ya'll

              Wonderful post April, Really inspirational

              This would be great in 'Just starting out' threads!

              So happy you found you!
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wildflower.
              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
              And eternity in an hour.


                Howdy Ya'll

                Congratulations AM! Two years is outstanding. I hope to be there myself some day. :goodjob:


                  Howdy Ya'll

                  Most excellent! Thats an eternity to go without drinking in my opinion! I like the way you say it does get a little easier.

                  Stay strong and keep racking up those days, wont be long till your third year......amaziing.

                  Attached files [img]/converted_files/1731204=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    Howdy Ya'll

                    aprilmoon, CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for sharing what it's like for you now! I too have found that AF living gets easier with time. Good for you establishing boundaries that you know you need to have - i.e. not going into liquor stores and making sure nobody brings rum in your house. I too keep my sobriety first, and no longer feel bad about it.

                    I am so happy you are doing well!!!!! There IS a way out!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Howdy Ya'll


