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16 January
16 January
Way to go Brigid on 2 in a row! I like it! I like what you said about releasing old tensions and realigning your perceptions. I believe in the concept that this is also a disease of perception. I am coming to realize daily how screwed up my perception on life was when I was drinking. It's getting better, but still needs a lot of work. I'm reading a book called "Eating, Drinking, Overthinking"....the toxic triangle of food. alcohol and depression and how women can break free. So far, it is right on. Overthinking stalls me from just doing what I need to do to get better. I have been guilty of complicating what should be an uncomplicated solution.
You are worth it Brigid and so am I, and so is everyone here! But like you's gotta be up to us and us only!:thanks:
16 January
Good morning Brigid!
We can have a monopoly on first posts! (although I'm a little slow this morning!)
For me, this is about being in control - of my life, what happens and how I react to things. It's about knowing that I CAN cope with things as they crop up, and I CAN deal with what's happened in the past.
No more blotting it all out.
49 DAys!!!!! Woo Hoo
flipIt always seems impossible until it's done....
16 January
Good Morning All, very interesting stuff this morning....First of all congratulations to us all ( me included ) on reaching this stage on our journey, we're doing great....
One of the ways I view my relationship with alcohol now, is, for years Mr Alcohol was in control, he was in the driving seat with the steering wheel held firmly in his hands, hell, he wouldn't even let me do the map-reading, he very cleverly let me THINK I was choosing the destinations but after the first glass I handed control to him and he drove me wherever he wanted to....
Now, I have, for the first time in over 30 years taken over.....I am in the driving seat and bloody frightening it was at first, so scary I nearly gave control back to him....You know what its like when you pass your driving test and you go out in your car for the first time on your own, no one to turn to for directions, no one to grab the steering wheel to keep you going straight, no dual-control, but gradually with practice I have improved, now I decide on my destination and its a milion miles away from the place Mr Alcohol was taking me to.....Oh every now and again he knocks on my door, trying to persuade me to let him do the driving just one more time, for old times sake, a few times I was nearly persuaded by his lovely silky voice, I thought, what harm can it do, then I REMEMBERED the harm he HAD done and thougth, no, give him the steering wheel for just one trip and he will be back in control of my life within a week....
So I would just like to say, passing your driving test and driving yourself gives you the freedom to go where ever YOU want to, let Mr Alcohol get behind the steering wheel of your life again and God knows where you'll end up this time....
Happy Tuesday and keep sober,
Love from Louise xxxxA F F L..
Alcohol Free For Life
16 January
I like that!! The driving thing! Kate , Louise ,Flip, Gina and Brigid!
Who is in control of our lives?
I'm a passive person and it has been hard to take control for myself. This way I get the credit and blame.
I cannot do this alone helps to have friends and loved ones cheering me on. When I do feel alone, I have but to remember who I am and "whose" I am and draw strength from that.
Much :h to all.
Nancy"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
16 January
About time: congrats!!!!!
Kate: That sounds like so much fun, wow, to just leave and have nowhere to go, how freeing!
Flip: 49Days??!!!!OMG!!!! I cant wait to be there what an inspiration you are!
Irishlady: How very insightful, and i will remember this in my next weak moment how i am in control and how good it feels to be in the drivers seat!
Nancy: I agreeit cn't hurt to have your own personal cheering sections!!!!
Again happy tuesday
Day 4 for me, with love
VictoriaIt's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.
16 January
Excellent posts today. thank you.Kate, Louise, Flip, Gina, Brigid, Nancy and Victoria.
I don't yet feel in total control (day 20) but I feel a hell of a lot better than I did when I came to MWO in mid-November. I should maybe say this on a more populated board, but I am really grateful and honoured to be in the same 'place' as you wonderful people.
It has been a revelation to me. I had forgotten that there are still some beautiful souls to be encountered on my way through life. I was getting very cynical about people and their motives for doing things. Though a lot of people are worth being cynical about, I've found only kindness and loving support since coming here.
I have a lot to thank you all for. Not just for helping me to stay sober, but for giving me a different perspective about.......people.
Not too gushy I hope.....