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18 jan
18 jan
this is definitely an Aussie war!!! i can see I'll have to get to work earlier so I can secretly log on and post! lol
i'm scared of my genetics too. i only found out two months ago that there is a long and large history of abuse on my father's side - since I grew up in a tea-total methodist household that had nothing to do with "his" side of the family, I had no idea! I think they did me a great disservice to be honest.
Since finding out I have been able to face it in a completely different light. If I had the gene for diatbetes nobody would think less of me if I developed the disease if I ate too much chocolate (ok they might pay me out for being fat but they probably do that anyway without diabetes!). So why should it be such a surprise that I have developed a drinking problem when drinking is such an acceptable activity - I dare say - more acceptable than gobbling chocolate!
Diabetics don't eat chocolate - I don't drink alcohol. (any more!)
Have a great day everyone! It's sunny and hot here today, not a cloud in the sky - the drought continues.....
FlipIt always seems impossible until it's done....
18 jan
We must be on severely different time zones!! Oh well, Day 6 here, hope all is well out there is MWO land. I am good right now, ran this morning, felt pretty good (well as good as running can feel) I hope you all have a very great Thursday!
VictoriaIt's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.