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    hi everybody hope u r all well, I am on a big downer at the moment i just keep bursting into tears feeling so sorry for myself part of this is caused by bumping into my mother yesterday and she asked me what i was going to do about a job i said that i might get on the train and go the next town and join an agency to get a bit of different work experince .Her reaction was why dont u leave town now move out. This has made me feel like shit and not wanted, i always knew that she didnt want me anyway her reaction to me all my life has been work out the answer for yourself which i have managed with the help of the bottle, i feel as if i have been kicked in the head so alone and sad am crying my eyes out now but i have nt had a drink day 46/47 dont know lost count af.She did nt say oh u look good or nothing like that why am i bothering i feel at the moment am really down and hate feeling like this so if u could make me laugh i would appreicite it, this computer still cant spell.Hope this is just a phrase that i can get through without a drink i dont want to give in.


    hi there pinkrabbit, your mum sounds like mine! I'm never good enough for her. She told me i was an accident after a drunken party and she was annoyed because she was done with nappies! Great eh? Pay no attention as you are doing so well> Mothers eh, who'd have them!!
    Stay strong. B



      hi Pinkrabbit

      I'm sorry I probably don't have anything to make you laugh right now; but do know that we all love you here and appreciate how you are looking after yourself!

      Perhaps just know that your mum is probably hurting a lot; gosh, I realise this isn't helping you, but...
      Well done and look forward to hearing from you again :goodjob:



        Hi Pink, my heart really goes out to you, and I can relate so much. I just think it's great that you're taking care of yourself, especially since some others in your life are not. THAT is a very difficult thing to do - to love yourself even when some others don't seem to (and remember like Blondie said, that is ALWAYS about them, not you.) You're doing so well with all those days under your belt. Keep going forward with your own healing, and keep building up self-love. I know it's hard, I'm on the same road as many of us are. But you will be surprised one day when you find so much strength & love in yourself, that incidents like the one with your mother will be no more than a blip in your day, and you'll keep smiling through it. Please feel free to ex box me if you want to "talk".




          Pink, I somehow missed this or I would have responded sooner. I can only imagine how painful it would be to have a mother that does not support you and show you the love you need. It is something I just cannot comprehend. Are you feeling better today?

          Hope to see you in chat again soon. You know we can always make you laugh there with our incessant teasing............Take good care of yourself. You deserve it and you need to be proud of what you have accomplished.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



            Stay strong pinky!!!




              Hi Pink, I too would have responded much sooner if I saw this. I am so sorry that you had that interaction with your mother. No matter what our relationships are with our parents it seems we always look to them for some type of encouragement.
              You are doing fantastic. I would love to have some many AF days that I lost count. I agree come to does get funny.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                hi guys am feeling alot better now thankyou for listening to me in my hour of need i have decided that my mother is a bitch and thats all there is to it glad i m not like her. I did not give in to the poision through i felt like it at the time who once said u can choose your friends but not your relations decided that i will cross the road next time i see her coming



                  Glad you are in a much better place pinky. Good luck with the plan. Sounds like a good one!



                    pinkrabbit, congratulations on your 47 days AF, that is a major achievement and we are all so proud of you.. You can be proud of yourself in that you didn't give in and have a drink when you found yourself in a horrible situation..

                    Sending you a great big HUG

                    Love, louise xx

                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life

