Hope everyone has a happy day!! Byrdie
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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
I was reading around the boards the other day, and I was wondering if there might be some interest in a thread that invited long term Abbers to post. In this thread, we might not speak so much to the day to day struggles of resisting AL, but just generally. If it comes up, ALL HANDS ON DECK, but otherwise, just a thread where there is no real struggling to get thru the day AF....anyone interested? I was curious just how many folks we have that are long termers (100+ days with no intentions of changing that) since not everyone puts his/her quit date in.
Hope everyone has a happy day!! ByrdieTags: None
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
I'm here Brydie and I have no intentions of ever drinking alcohol again. You can count me in. All those years of struggling are over for me. I just KNOW they are and I am glad to help others find their way.Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/newbies-nest-3162-30074.html Newbies Nest
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f11/tool-box-27556.html Tool Box
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/what-plan-how-do-i-get-one-68554.html How to get a sobriety plan
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
This is a GREAT idea, Byrdie. It will give we that are still struggling a good look at a great future sans AL..motivation and insight.
Love you, :h
KradleOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f11/tool-box-27556.html tool box
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/newbies-nest-30074.html newbie nest
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
I feel like a real newbie compared to most in the abbers threads! Kradle, Kuya and Hippy....glad to see you over here. We'll just see how it goes!
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hey bettygirl, I don't believe we've met! Are these your dogs in your avatar? I have a chihuahua and she is just rotten! High maintenance!!
I got invited to a wine tasting tomorrow night, can you imagine? Not going. The irony in our lives...Who'da ever thought I'd be on an ALK site giving advice on how to quit drinking????? Life is full of twists and turns....B
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi. Um... can I stick my neb in just now and say, although only just about half way to the 100 day mark... I will be reading this thread closely. I would say I'm in, but I got another 7 weeks to beat the bejeezus out of AL! Agree with Kradle - it gives us an eye on what is possible...
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
One of my main problems so far is fatigue. It has been a lot better since I hit four months but does it just lift gradually or is there a time.
I am exercising at last, not too much, but I still feel foggy from early afternoon. I eat well and take supplements but......
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Byrdie ..you wee darling :l:l:l:l this is exactly what I was trying to do.. a place where we can all chat ,chill kinda like a crocks rest home to recharge etc..are you putting any guidelines in ..or let it run and see what happens...ace..now then talking bout things other than al..still waiting for the heating man to fix central heating.......meanwhile
http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/5...0119105424.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
This is a great idea. Very few post in Long Term Abstainers.
What generally happens is that as a person gathers more and more time in sobriety, they also begin to change their lives with new endeavors that take up much of their time.
i.e. xTexan, Irishlady, Brittzak, Doggy Girl, Mags, etc.
Therefore, long terms tend to disappear. In the past, we dubbed them solar orbiters. Those who had a year or more under their belts.
Which is a good thing. This also shows that life goes on to bigger and better things with sobriety.
However, it is also very good for those with less sobriety under their belts to see what those with longer time are doing and feeling to give them a view forward, as it were.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Greetings everyone
Thanks for creating this thread Byrdie!
My Newbies Nest speeches are burning ruts into my brain, I could use a break :H
Maybe we can discuss some things we have learned along the way. Things about ourselves & things we need to remain on this AF path!
I have learned the almighty importance of maintaining balance in my life. Avoiding drama created by others is essential for me! I have taken ownership of all of my problems, made a plan & worked to correct them & most importantly - change my thinking! I did the work & now I am rewarded with a life free of addiction. My life is not perfect, not by any stretch but it is free
Today I celebrate 44 months smoke free & that's a big deal for me. March 26 is right around the corner when I will celebrate 4 years AF. And btw - I will throw a big party here ~ everyone is invitedAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
bettygirl;1446497 wrote: i'd like to join in...the daily struggle is gone, now i'm on to living sober...it'd be good to relate to others in the same boat.Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE!
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/newbies-nest-3162-30074.html Newbies Nest
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f11/tool-box-27556.html Tool Box
https://www.mywayout.org/community/f19/what-plan-how-do-i-get-one-68554.html How to get a sobriety plan
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Lavande;1446739 wrote: Greetings everyone
Thanks for creating this thread Byrdie!
My Newbies Nest speeches are burning ruts into my brain, I could use a break :H
Maybe we can discuss some things we have learned along the way. Things about ourselves & things we need to remain on this AF path!
I have learned the almighty importance of maintaining balance in my life. Avoiding drama created by others is essential for me! I have taken ownership of all of my problems, made a plan & worked to correct them & most importantly - change my thinking! I did the work & now I am rewarded with a life free of addiction. My life is not perfect, not by any stretch but it is free
Today I celebrate 44 months smoke free & that's a big deal for me. March 26 is right around the corner when I will celebrate 4 years AF. And btw - I will throw a big party here ~ everyone is invited
:H I feel the same way, I try to come up with different wording every time, but there is only so many ways to convey the basic information. I often wonder if the long term people, roll their eyes on "another Nelz" post.
4 years soon eh? I better get the factory on double time.......Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11