Well done, Humble!!!
In regards to the mods post... I have a hard time pointing fingers. Most of us were probably drawn to this site/program because of the faint hope that we'd be able to moderate/control our drinking. I do believe that any improvement is better than none and the writer of that post will likely eventually come to the same conclusions we have. I certainly don't think that a person is completely sober after 6 units - but it may feel that way if that same person was drinking to black out every day before.
Sugar, I had to laugh at your post... somehow I envisioned you peeking over the back of everyone's monitor :H I'm kinda like that with the Golden Girls thread. I'm almost there but I don't want my arse kicked out officially... so I just quietly sneak in there from time to time

Life is returning to normal (what the heck is normal, anyways?) - junior is off to work today. Thankfully, he still has his job. Considering, that he only started last week.. this wasn't really a for sure thing. Of course, that means I'm without a vehicle and I'm not sure how he's going to afford the gas $$ back and forth every day. It'll be a minimum of $20 per day. Sigh. He'll be talking to his boss today - there's a possibility that he can live on site. If he agrees, we'll have to go and ask the court for permission. Of course, all of this is at my busiest time, when I really can't afford the time away from my desk.
This shall pass, too. Back to you!