Ky..reckon you are right..its a numbers game...if no one else had been drinking and each of them was...on an individual basis, think the peny may have sunk in a wee bit quicker!!!
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100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Ky..reckon you are right..its a numbers game...if no one else had been drinking and each of them was...on an individual basis, think the peny may have sunk in a wee bit quicker!!!af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
mollyka;1455534 wrote: I truly believe that those with 'ongoing struggles' with the concept of living a life sober have a problem with acceptance of alcoholism. I KNOW 100% that I am a raving alcoholic - there's absolutely NO wriggle-room in my head - not an iota of 'maybe I wasn't that bad' - 'maybe just a few' - none of that - the chatter is gone, cos there's nothing to chatter about - no tiny lingering little corner of my brain waiting to say.......... 'maybe', that is the greatest gift I've been given - imvho
...and that's exactly how I am/feel about my sobriety.
AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Wow, Mollyka, that was brilliant.
I have two sisters. One has been sober for 25 years after giving it up through rehab in her twenties. I asked her about long-term sobriety. She said after five years, it just wasn't an issue. Until then, she had a tape she played in her brain of "distinct episodes not to be shared" of things she had done while drunk. I guess that is along the same lines - knowing full on, with no debate, that one is unable to drink AL.
My other sister had 5 years sober, then relapsed. Joyously, my trip home during Christmas and my AF example was the nudge to get her back on the road. She is using the supplements of MWO, too. I said to her at the time, you've never known me as a sober adult, I started drinking heavily in college. It's amazing to think that we have whole relationships with family to restart from where we left off, basically, in childhood.
Kuya, I'm also finding I don't want to be with folks as the evening progresses and they are drinking. Boy, they get silly. On my date last night, this very sweet man, who has been patient with my ambivalence with his attentions, decided after two glasses of wine that he was going in, and tackling that big kiss. Blech. The smell of AL, the loss of presence. I need to think on this one - date other AF folks?
Cat"It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie
AF since Oct 2, 2012
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Very interesting replies.
Molly I reckon you have my vote, I accept that I am an alcoholic and its fine, just like I accept everything else about me. It is just fact, there is NO shame. To me it would be like having shame for my gray hairs. For alcoholism there is sobriety, for grey hairs there is L'oreal :H:H
Funny thing though from the other night, all four women were nurses and were sharing in a joking way that alcoholism was a problem in their profession. I could sense an air of discomfort which was then laughed away and more booze fetched. There was also a tinge of sadness to them. funny you should say that....I was chatting about my potential next partner and one thing on my check list for sure is SOBER. My sobriety is too precious to deal with a drinker and the last thing I want is to start by wanting to change someone.
It narrows the field but, as the ad says 'I'm worth it !' :H:H:H
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Interesting conversation, indeed!
As I was returning home from the holidays I had a lot of time to think while driving...and what has made the difference for me IS accepting that I'm an ALK...and that I do not give myself the CHOICE to drink anymore. It's a simple concept, but took me a long time to accept, but that is the difference for me...If I give myself the choice, then it is going to kill me. I'm not trying to be dramatic...that's just the way it is. I'm so glad to be at this point...I feel I have EARNED this feeling. It was hard fought, but I'm so glad I hung in there!! It IS worth it. B
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Hi everyone,
I've been checking in a bit on the weekends, but my computer is so slow and every time I think I am posting something it times out or something. Hopefully this one will post.
I am coming on 7 months sober and I have admitted that I am an alcoholic and have to a hand full of friends as well. That in itself helps me stay true to myself. I am feeling better than I have in years and I never want to go back to living in a blur.
I am not going to type too much for fear it will disappear lol
Take care,
IMTnew beginnings July 16, 2012
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Oh how I love this thread! So many "A-ha" moments. This post by Byrdie really struck me:
Kuya and Lav, there IS safely in numbers and that's why I think checking in to this site is so important.
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
OOOOH, Flyaway, I agree totally. I feel at home here, amonst my peeps, with no shame and shared challenges. Man, it is hard where I live, and for all of us here. We are socially out of step. Except here. We are not only in step, we are leaders.
Cat"It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie
AF since Oct 2, 2012
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Kuya.....your post..." the rush of endorphins"..Is that them grey mammals you see jumping oot of the water following boats???? :H:H:H:Haf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Mick;1456333 wrote: Kuya.....your post..." the rush of endorphins"..Is that them grey mammals you see jumping oot of the water following boats???? :H:H:H:H
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
Also loving this thread. Going back to read.
CTAF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:
"Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."
100 Day Club members/Maintenance Thread
I was wondering if anyone but me avoids using the term alcoholic? I don't have any argument with the fact that I have an alcohol addiction, but that term is so depersonalizing. It is better to call people with disabilities just that instead of disabled. I don't really care what people call themselves if it helps them with recovery, but I would rather be a person with a problem than be the problem itself.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.